Poems, poems and even MORE poems!


  1. Being a captain.

One day it came to me

Being a captain;sailing across the sea

Is what I want to be


  1. Banker


I lost some money

Dare I call you honey

Not so close to being funny

So I decided to being a banker


Losing my interest

Stopping work really fast

Failing life, as I guessed

I guess I am now a spanker


When ya play


When ya go play,

Ya spend all day

Mebbe ya eat hay

But ya don’t say

That ya goin’ away

‘Cuz if ya say

Ya goin away

Ya die that day

So, ya wanna play?

Or ya wanna do whip and nae nae?

Wait, ya can’t say?

Let’s play, shall ya obey?
Ye! Ya obey!





The bear and the fish

Walked but the bear ate the fish

The bear loved the dish


Matilda was burned

Said a witness, who returned

In the house she burned


A person who’s dead

Must be in the corpses land

Where you’ll see his head


The lion was so mean

It’s unimaginable

Worser than trespassing




When I party, I play with confetti

And when I party, you can go party

When I party, I eat some spaghetti

And if you want to, you can play with me

Thank you – Alexey

Rhyming Couplet

If I ate a salmon I would be dead

So I’ll think of eating apples instead

1 thought on “Poems, poems and even MORE poems!

  1. There is a whole lot of word-play happening in your poems. That is a good way to build you writing skills. Keep it up, and you may have an even easier time trying to fit that iambic pentameter meter (daDUM daDUM daDUM daDUM daDUM)

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