Hi! People that want to see a friendship recipe you should keep reading.

So I`m going to tell you the ingredients for the recipe for a great friendship it`s going to be outstanding, So follow the recipe for a great friendship.

Don’t forget to put the ingredients in the bowl!

Step 1. You will need a bowl and a spoon. So you can stir the ingredients.

Step 2. So you should need a half cup of kindness. So you can be kind or if you are going to give it to someone they can be kind to every one even to you too.

Step 3. Add a table spoon of loyalty. So the person that you are giving it to would respect you.

Step 4. After you are done that part now you are going to add a one cup honesty. So the person that you are going to give it to or if you are going to have it for yourself, you or the person that you are giving it to can be truthful to other people.

Step 5. Then you are going to add a half cup of thankful you or if you are giving it to someone then they can always can say thank you when people give them something.

Step 6. Then you can mix it and put it in the oven, the oven has to be at 360 degrees and leave it for 20 minutes in the oven.

After 20 minutes you can eat it or you can give it to some as a present.

So that is my recipe for a great friendship, hoped you liked it

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