My free-verse poem


If we all had some books,                                                                                                 

Well learn more about Captain Hook,                              

We could also know about Fantasy

Like the boy Peter Pan,

Some say he’ll never be a man.


When we read some books,

We could all be good at school,

No one will be a fool,

And now everyone is cool.


When  we are older

We could get jobs like a yodler,

And many many more,

That’s why we should all read books.

-mike lazarevic



Wishes, O wishes if I had any wishes,

I could save the world from running out of fish’s

When you’re running out of wishes

You could ask for some more,

But i n the end be careful what you wish for.

  • Mike lazarevic                                                                          Haiku

                                                                                                    Cause now i’m a man

                                                                                                    A man man man, now i can

                                                                                                   Cause now i’m a man

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