Inquiry Journal

Inquiry Journal Coding


on scratch this week i made 3 projects 2 of them are music and dance and 1 is an animation.




this week on scratch i found out that i could see tutorials from the scratch team helping me progress in my coding. the tutorials included animation, games, stories, interactive art, and music and dance.




On scratch I was trying to make a game where a car would race but i had a lot of trouble making it turn.




I finally found out how to make a car move on scratch. all i needed to do is center it is so it would turn more natural. now i am working on a car game. now that i found out the trick to make it turn.

The sources i found are: pong starter because that game was really hard to make at first but then it i got the hang of it made a whole lot of different features to it,animate the crab because it help me get used to animating.



I Started working on a Game that i will present and i think it will work and it’s going to be like a maze game and the controls are going to be a little bit like my car game.



I am still working on my maze game but i still have a problem where the ball will not turn correctly and i am trying to find a way to fix the but it’s been a bit difficult.



I finally found out what the problem was only by clicking a lot of different buttons and playing around with the system then i stumbled upon a dot in inside my sprite and that helped the ball move more freely.



I just finished the easy stuff now and learned a bit on the way like how to make my sprite sense what happens to it and other things like using variables and making them effective and my classmates have been giving me a lot of good feedback so i am pretty much finished cause i have practiced my elevator pitch and done my list of sources

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