Friend recpice

Want to be a good friend? Follow these easy steps to succeed! All you need is some courage to talk to the new kid, tell the truth to your friend so you can have her trust back.
What you need is honesty, kindness, helpfulness happiness, respect and loyalty
NowI will be telling you why you need these things to make your friend recipe!
You need happiness because you and you’re friend will always be happy, even after fights and whatever happens.
You will also need kindnes s because you and you’re friend will always be kind to each other, you will fill buckets when you’re kind. Example. Say that a bully is bullying you’re friend or you. Let’s just say that the bully is bullying you. You’re friend will take your back and say nice things to cheer you up.
You will also need honesty because if you lie to your friend, you can’t have her trust and she will be upset with you and you and he or him can’t be friends anymore. If you tell her the truth she will be upset with you for a just little while. I bet she will be proud of you to tell the truth. Remember that you always need your friend’s trust or alse she isn’t a friend!
Next you will need helpfulness because a friend is always helpful right? If someone is bothering you, your friend will always have your back!
You need respect because if you’re friend judges you she or he doesn’t like you for who you are. You’re friend should respect you for who you are. Your friend should like you even though you and he or him have different eye colors or skin color.
You need loyalty because let’s just say that if you’re sad, and then you’re friend stays with you. You’re friend is there to cheer you up. That’s loyalty and you’re friend is being loyal to you.
You take them together, mix them together in a bowl. There you go! A brand new you.
With these steps you will be a amazing friend. Plus making friends should be no problem!

1 thought on “Friend recpice

  1. You make an important point about how our friends’ traits, such as skin colour and hair, should not matter. I think I agree with what you are saying, but sometimes when I look around me and when I visit different places, I think that those physical differences can be important. What are our lives (and relationships) like if we DON’T have close friends who are different from us, our family, and from our other friends? True, it shouldn’t be a problem to have friends who are different, but maybe it’s a problem if we don’t have diversity in our friendships.

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