September precept

Mr. browns September precept

If you have never read the book WONDER, then you should go to the library and get a hold of that. Cause well it’s a really good book! There is a part in the book that the main character August goes to an English class and his teacher is Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown gives his class a precept and today for August is September. So… Mr. Brown gives the class THE SEPTEMBER PRECEPT!! It goes like…:

When given the choice to

Be right or be kind


Then my teacher told us to write a refection about how do you

If you always be right then you would basically be mean. Because

You respect one and other then you would do the kind thing, like:

Classmate: “Hey! Why did you call me stupid!?”

Then classmate goes to teacher and tells what happened. Then teacher come to Me. next asks me:

Teacher: “why did you call your classmate names?”

Me: “One, I did not. Two: He called me stupid just because I was playing tag. Because I was it, when I got near him and he said “get away from me stupid”!

Teacher turns to Classmate. Before the teacher could say anything.

Other classmate (That’s friends with me): “it’s true, I was it as well and he did say stupid”.

Teacher: “Why did you call your classmate names?”

Classmate: “I don’t want to be tagged.”

Teacher: “well then, that’s how life is, I’m sorry. But can you please apologize to your classmate please.”

Classmate apologizes to me and I accepted

See that, the classmate could’ve 1) Choose to be kind and not make such a big deal out of it. Or 2) make a fuss out of a small problem.

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