Relationship Recipe

Relationship Recipe
Here are the things that are necessary in a good relationship:
• Respect
• Kindness and caring
• Generosity
• Happiness
• Loyalty and being supportive
• Confidence and standing up for you
• Helpfulness
• Honesty and Trust
• Being open about things; comfortable and understanding
• Being reliable and trustworthy
• Forgiveness
1. You should be respectful and show that that you care about the other person. Be kind towards them.
2. Be open and willing to talk about things (but make sure you’re comfortable).
3. Be honest and trustworthy; show that you can be reliable. But half of being trusted is to trust.
4. Be loyal and supportive of them; be confident and stand up for them when they need it.
5. Be helpful (but there is such thing as being too helpful!).
6. Be willing to forgive (whether it takes a long time or not).
7. Be generous (sharing is caring!). But you don’t need to give everything you have.
8. Most of all, be happy and have fun!

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