Great Recipe for Getting Friends!

Great Recipe for Getting Friends!


– Openness

– Honesty

– Respect

– Bravery

– Supportiveness

– Generosity

– Kindness



1. You have to open to what your friend may like or dislike unless you guys like a lot of the same things.

2. When you have a friend make sure you honest to them because if your friend can’t trust you they probably will stop being your friend (remember trust is very easy to lose).

3. When your friend is going to do something you have to support him/her so they can succeed in what there trying to do.

4. Have kindness and respect towards them cause without being kind to them you can’t really be the best of friends (but you might have a little bit of an agreement one in a while).

5. Final step be brave and tell them how you feel when your sad make sure you also trust them that they won’t tell anyone you deepest secrets or anything like that.

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