Term 2 preview

Mme Marando


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have made it to term two of Kindergarten French Immersion. While term one was spent getting to know ourselves, the classroom and the French language, Term Two will delve deeper into the curriculum. We will continue exploring our learning through play. Our mornings will consist of exploratory play in which students are given an opportunity to explore and play with various open-ended materials meant to provoke imagination, curiosity and creativity as well as support story writing and problem solving skills.

Below is a summary of the projected learning outcomes for Term Two

French Language Arts (Français Langue Seconde)

Students will be encouraged to take risks in speaking French, listen and participate in French singing, rhyming and chanting activities and incorporate basic French vocabulary into their discussions. Students will also learn to identify beginning letter sounds in French and incorporate simple sentence construction in their writing activities (i.e voici, c’est, j’aime). We will continue to work on correct letter formation through alphabet activities and printing booklets. At home, please encourage students to print letters starting at the top of the line and working to the bottom. Please correct any reversals. We will also work on building French vocabulary. Students will also have the opportunity to use Ipads to enrich their French language skills.

Mathematics (Matématiques)

Students will continue to review patterns during calendar time. The focus this term will be on number sense: recognizing number 1-10, one to one correspondence and comparing quantities. There will be continuous practice on counting and identifying numbers 1-30. We will also learn to recognize and describe 2D and 3D objects through our shapes unit.

Science (Sciences)

Students will continue to learn about the changes in seasons, focusing particularly at signs of winter. We will be learning about weather patterns and graphing. Students will also learn to describe features of their immediate surroundings in French. They will also learn to describe and compare features of winter animals.

Social Studies (Sciences Humaines)

Students will demonstrate an awareness of the concept of change. They will identify groups and places that are part of their lives through our community unit. They will also learn to identify similarities and differences among families. We will continue to learn how to care for our environment by continuing to reuse, reduce and recycle.

Fine Arts (Beaux-arts) music, drama, visual art, dance

Students will continue to create images emphasizing one or more elements and principles (ex. paint and pastels; water and tissue paper). During our exploration time, students will use a variety of materials and tools to create various means of art. In music, students will learn to distinguish melodies, high and low sounds and create sounds to accompany stories, rhymes or songs. We will begin a dance unit in which students learn to move their bodies expressively to music.

Physical Development (Éducation Physique)

In the second term of PE we will continue to focus on enjoyment of a variety of physical activities, as well as the benefits of an active lifestyle.  Your child will have the opportunity to participate in learning:

-basic dance sequences alone and in groups

-elements of gymnastics including shapes, balances, rolls and ways to safely take off and land

-basic skipping using both long and short ropes

Health and Career Education (Éducation à la santé et la carrière)

We will continue to use the program, Second Step. Through this program, students will identify opportunities to make choices. They will also identify thoughtful, caring behaviours in families and differentiate between positive and negative behaviours in relationships.

Please keep in mind that this is a general overview and that some things may change as the term progresses. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding your child’s learning this term.


Mme A. Marando
French Immersion Kindergarten Teacher

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