

Canada Inquiry

Essential Questions: Why do people want to live in Canada? How does the history of Canada define what our country is today?

Big Questions: What was the impact of this historical event to the people of Canada? Was the impact positive or negative? Does this event still have impact on Canada today? How?

For this inquiry, you and your group will conduct an inquiry into one of Canada’s historical events that you will choose from a list. You will need to describe the event and answer the ‘big questions’ above. Together you will plan, organize, research and present your information. There will be several parts to this inquiry that you will need to discuss and agree on as a group. Along the way, we will work with each group to assist you and hear your ideas and direction in which you are going. Each person is required to take responsibility for his/her part and fully cooperate with the other group members.

The Process:
Step 1 – Choose your topic and organize your inquiry. Decide on the responsibilities for each group member. Come up with some quick and deep thinking questions for your inquiry.
Step 2 – Research your historical event using books and websites. Take notes using the THIEVES strategy that we learned. Remember to record the information about what books and sites you used for your bibliography.
Step 3 – Put your inquiry together in the format you agreed upon. Think about how you will communicate your findings and information.
Step 4 – Decide on how you will share the information with the classes. Practise, practise, practise!

Due Dates:
Step 1 – Organizing your topic and inquiry by February 2
Step 2 – All research and note taking by February 9
Step 3 and 4 – Putting your information and presentation together by February 23 (due date)
Presenting and sharing your inquiry from February 26 – March 2

To present your information, you may choose one of the following formats or suggest one of your own:

 Create a pamphlet or brochure (include pictures)
 Write a mini informative booklet complete with paragraphs, picture, captions, etc.
 Oral presentation with visuals to support your ‘speech’ (written as well)
 Poster with visuals and text
 Newspaper article with caption and picture
 Slideshow of some sort (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)
 Collage
 Model of the historical event
 Dramatic skit

 You may have another format that you would like to use. Feel free to ask!

Criteria for Canada Inquiry

• Accurate, thorough and detailed information
• Concise research notes and accurate bibliography
• Variety of sources used (at least 2 sources, one must be a book)
• Well-written communication (sentences, paragraphs) using your own words
• Evidence of revising and editing (drafts required)
• Evidence of thinking critically about the big questions
• Creative and effective presentation that is visually appealing, organized and informative
• Cooperative and collaborative group work (taking responsibility for your job)
• Effort throughout the process, meeting timelines
• Knowledge of your historical event

Here’s My Canada Video Project
It is Canada’s 150 birthday this year! What does Canada mean to you? What are some of the elements of Canadian culture? What do know about our history as a nation? What does it mean to be a Canadian and what is our identity? How can you show and share what you know?
In groups of three, you are going to create and design a 30 second video that answers one, some, or all of these questions. You will work together to discuss, plan and make your video using iMovie on the iPad. You will be expected to work cooperatively in your group and equally contribute your ideas, skills and effort. Through the process, you will reflect on your progress and make changes wherever necessary until you are satisfied with the final product. We will also share our work with other groups in our class to receive feedback and make further changes. At the end, all videos will be submitted to a nationwide contest!

Does the video answer the question “What does Canada mean to you?”
What is the overall quality of the video production? Includes: sound clarity, visual, edits and lighting.
Is the video creative? Ex: Interesting topic, script or presentation style; creative use of camera angle, sound effects/music, and choice of shots enhance video.
What is the overall impression of the video?
You will also be assessed on your effort, and collaborative and cooperative skills.

If I Were Principal Speech

It is election time and you are running to be the principal of Cascade Heights School. What will your platform be? How will you run the school if you are voted in? What will you ‘promise’ and what is your stand on school matters?
You will write and present a speech with at least three-four paragraphs detailing what your platform is. Think about an effective opening and closing to your speech that will interest your audience and make them want to vote for you. Within each paragraph, remember to start with a topic sentence, followed by details and examples, and end with a concluding sentence. Also, think about transition words, conjunctions (combining sentences), and descriptive vocabulary. Try to make sure your ‘voice’ comes through.

• Include transition words, powerful vocabulary, conjunctions
• Include your ‘voice’
• Interesting, thorough and detailed
• Ideas should be strong, well-balanced, realistic and organized
• Paragraphs are well-structured (topic sentence, middle and concluding sentence), at least 3-4 paragraphs
• Creative and should capture the audience’s attention
• Proofread and edited (keep your draft copy with evidence of revisions)
• Expression, eye contact, moderate pace, posture, clear/loud voice

Canada’s Geographical Regions Inquiry

For this inquiry, you will be choosing one of Canada’s geographical regions to investigate and share with the rest of the class. You may choose one of the following: The Cordillera, The Interior Plains, The Hudson Bay Lowlands, The Saint Lawrence Lowlands, The Appalachians, The Canadian Shield or The Arctic Lowlands.

Your inquiry will have five parts, and each part will be presented on five panel strip. (We will make this in class.) The five panels are:

Panel One – A detailed drawing of what the region looks like including vegetation and animals that inhabit the area. Include the name of your region on this panel.
Panel Two – A map of Canada with the region shaded. Include a legend and tell which provinces and territories make up the region
Panel Three – A paragraph describing what the landscape and landforms are, and how they were created
Panel Four – A list of the natural resources and industries
Panel Five – A chart showing the climate of the region. Each box will have a drawing with a labeled heading

Once you have chosen a region, you will be given some handouts to help you with your inquiry. Use the boxes below to guide your inquiry and to record the information. Keep all of your notes and draft copies as they will be a part of your assessment.


• Detailed and accurate facts
• Paragraph is well written with complete sentences
• Drawings are accurate, carefully drawn and coloured
• Proofread and edited for conventions (spelling, capitals, punctuation)
• Effort throughout the process, meeting timelines
• Knowledge of your region (presentation)

Inuit Inquiry
The Inuit people lived and live in the harsh environment of the Arctic tundra. Despite this, they were and are able to survive and thrive as a people and culture. How did the climate, land and its resources play a part in the development of their culture?
For this project, you will be working with a partner to answer the above question. Together you choose one aspect of Inuit culture and how it relates to the Arctic environment. You will plan, organize, research and present your research to the class in an oral presentation.
Once you have chosen one aspect to research, you will be given some handouts to help you with your research. You may also go to the class website where there are links to websites with additional information. Please keep all of your research notes and draft copies of your writing in your folder. You will be self-assessing the steps of the writing process, and I will also assess them.
 Four well written paragraphs
 One concluding paragraph answering the big question
 At least 3 text features (pictures, illustrations, diagrams, flow chart) to support your information with captions
 Information and pictures are well laid out
 Concise informative research notes
 Draft paragraphs and evidence of editing
 Well-rehearsed effective oral presentation
 Optional: a handmade model to support your information
Big Question: How did the climate, land and its resources play a part in the development of the Inuit culture?
Step One – Research
Using ‘the robber’ strategy, find only the valuable information in the readings and write the information in the appropriate boxes in point form (sentence fragments). Begin each section with a small question. Use the research pages given and complete them together.
Step Two – Draft Paragraphs
Now take all of your research notes and write a paragraph for each section. Use lined paper or Google Drive. Remember to write good complete and descriptive sentences. Thoroughly proofread and revise your paragraphs, making changes wherever necessary.
Step Three – Publish
Now you will present all of the information on a poster board. Rewrite or type your paragraphs in a good and final copy. Remember to make sure you have proofread and edited your work as thoroughly as possible. Draw and colour pictures and diagrams with captions to support your paragraphs and to help the viewer understand your information.
Step Four – Oral Presentation
Decide how your will present your information and practice it. Each person should share the responsibility equally. Think about volume, expression, pacing, eye contact and posture/body language.

Map of Canada

If you need a good website to help with your Canada map, click here to find one.

Criteria for Country Inquiry
Accurate, thorough and detailed information
Concise research notes
Variety of sources used (cite sources)
Seven well-written expository or persuasive paragraphs (introduction, five topics, conclusion) using your own words
Evidence of editing (drafts required)
Evidence of critical thinking
Creative and effective presentation
Cooperative and collaborative group work

Please answer the following questions in sentences and be as reflective and thorough as you can.

Character Container
For this project, you will choose one of the characters from the novel and create a box that represents him/her and the book. Inside of the box, you will make four objects that personify and symbolize the chosen character. For each object, you will need to write a short paragraph to describe and explain how they relate to the character, and why you chose to create each one. You will also present your box to the rest of the class in an oral presentation.

1. Create a container that represents the book and character. Ask yourself these questions, “What are the themes in this book?”, “Who is he/she?” and “What is important to him/her?”
2. Then, decorate the container that represents the themes in the story. A shoebox or small box is best. Think of how you want to decorate the box and use a variety of materials.
3. Inside the box, make four objects that symbolize the character. These should be objects that enhance who the character is and what he/she values (what is important to the character). Again, you may use of a variety of materials.
4. Lastly, write four paragraphs to explain your creations (one paragraph for each object). These should tell why, in detail, the objects represent the characters and his/her values.
5. Practice reading your four paragraphs to present to the rest of the class.


• Creativity
• Objects carefully crafted
• Four well-written paragraphs (each on an index card)
• Clear and meaningful explanations of each object
• Informative and clear oral presentation

Family Tree Criteria

  • show three generations
  • accuracy of relations
  • correct spelling and accents
  • label each relative using mon/ma and their name
  • detailed drawing and colouring
  • creativity

Autobiography and Speech Criteria

There are two parts to this assignment: the first is a written autobiography of your life and the second is an oral presentation (speech) of your autobiography.

Autobiography Criteria

  • six well written paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details and a concluding sentence
  • complete strong sentences that are interesting
  • an introductory paragraph (all paragraphs in the first person)
  • include at least one paragraph on an achievement
  • include at least one paragraph on an obstacle that you had to overcome
  • correct usage of capitals, spelling and grammar

Oral Presentation Criteria

  • appropriate posture and eye contact
  • clear, loud volume and expression
  • moderate pacing (speed)
  • engaging content with interesting word choices
  • confidence

Both components of this assignment will be assessed on a four point scale.

Written Autobiography due Dec. 1
Oral Presentations begin Dec. 3

French Title Page Criteria

Title: Le Francais
10 elements of French culture
Well drawn and organized
No white space
Coloured with pencil crayon
Finelining optional

How Maple Syrup is Made
Storyboard Criteria
• Have 6 or 8 steps
• Have a short description for each step
• Well drawn picture to show the step
• Well-coloured, fine lining is optional
• The directions must be accurate and in order (use the video, graphic story and other sources to help you)
• Correct spelling and grammar




Watch the video below and then post your inferences and evidence on the Padlet ‘wall’.

Feedback Survey


Canada’s Geographical Regions
Research Project

For this project, you will be choosing one of the remaining regions to research and report on. You may choose one of the following: The Cordillera, The Interior Plains, The Hudson Bay Lowlands or The Arctic Lowlands.

You will need to report on six components:

1) Describe the location and include a map
2) Describe the landscape and landforms and how they were created
3) Describe the natural resources and any concerns about them
4) Describe the climate
5) Describe any wildlife
6) Any interesting characteristic(s) of the region
• You must have at least 4 visual text features (pictures, illustrations, diagrams, flow chart) to support your information.

Once you have made a choice of region, you will be given some handouts to help you with your research. You may also go to the class website where there are links to websites with additional information.

You may choose how you would like to present the information from the following list: poster board, slide show, or oral speech presentation. Whichever form you choose, you will need to write your information in paragraph form. Please keep all of your research notes and draft copies of your writing in your folder. You will be self-assessing the steps of the writing process, and I will also assess them.


• Interesting, detailed and accurate facts
• Crystal clear and descriptive words
• Information and pictures are organized
• Paragraphs are well written with complete sentences
• Text features are accurate, detailed and have captions
• Proofread and edited for conventions (spelling, capitals, punctuation)

22 Replies to “Assignments”

          1. Dear Mrs. Mann
            Tomorrow on Saturday April 26, 9;30 -2;30
            Vancouver Japanese Language School will have a Spring Market Fair. The address is 487 Alexander Street Vancouver.
            They have Japanese sweets, Teriyaki Chicken, Crafts and more!!!
            Hope to see you there! Oops, I have to stay in my class!!

    1. Hi Lindsay,

      I just checked and only a part of your connection appeared on the ‘wall’. I am afraid that you will need to retype it. Hopefully, you can remember most of it.

    1. I am not sure when you are back Florin, but you can do it when you return. If you would like to work on it while in Korea, you definitely can. I believe that you have found the outline of the research project already on the website and have the directions and instructions. The only thing that you do not have is some of the information that I handed out. So yes, you may start on some of the research using the sites on ‘Subject Links’ and any others that you find.

    1. Yes, I noticed that some of your classmates were also having trouble with posting their connection. I will look into it and see what is going on. By the way, do you have your Sadako book with you?
      Also, Florin are you interested in creating a ‘post’ on the website to let everyone know how and what you are doing in Korea? It is easy to do. Let me know if you are interested and I can lead you through the steps.

        1. The novel is a little bit different from the picture book that you read in grade three because it is much more detailed, although the storyline is the same. When you return, you can catch up to where we are.
          To create a post on our website, go to the ‘dashboard’ which you will find on the top left of the screen under Cascade Heights. When you get there, click on ‘post’ which is on the left side. Remember to give your post a title and write a detailed paragraph about your travels. Check your sentences and spelling too. Remember that a good post will have some questions for us to think about and respond to. When you are done, there is a ‘submit for review’ button on the right hand side. When I receive it, I will check it first before I post it. Good luck. I can’t wait to see how it goes!

    1. Hi Hanna,

      Thank you for doing the survey. We were going to do it class on Friday but the network was down. Everyone will do it when we return to school. Have a Merry Christmas!

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