Mrs. Manners Grade 1/2 Class

Category: Blog Posts (Page 5 of 6)

Wednesday, April 29th

Hello Division 9! Have a wonderful Wednesday! I hope to see you in Music class today!


ZOOM – MUSIC with Mr. Smith at 2pm today. Please see the email that I sent for his Meeting ID.


  1. Read or listen to Pigs – go to Montecito Library Web resources and search for it on Tumblebooks using the magnifying glass symbol in the top right corner. Sorry that I can’t put a direct link to the story as this site requires a paid license.
  2. Complete the Onomatopoeia Response sheet and email it to me. Remember to write your response in FULL SENTENCES!!!

ASSIGNMENT #2 – MATH – Email your work.

Grade 2 Math – Adding Coins

Grade 3 Math – Subtracting Money


Go to this YouTube Channel and choose your favourite superhero workout: Spiderman, Harry Potter, Star Wars… lots of choices. Tell us which superhero you chose in the Comments.

Tuesday, April 28th

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a nice day off yesterday. I look forward to hearing about what you did over your “long” weekend during our Zoom meetings today.

MORNING MESSAGE – Someone special is here today!

ZOOM – Grade 2s at 1pm and grade 3s at 11am.  We will do Community Circle first then we will be talking about the Zones of Regulation and how to move back to the Green zone.


Read, Listen, Quiz.


Today’s topic choices: My Favourite Meal or My Favourite Wild Animal. Please follow the Opinion Writing frame and  write it on your own piece of paper again. Remember to follow the guidelines below and send it to me when you are finished.

  1. Opening Sentence – state your opinion beginning with: I think, In my opinion, I believe, I prefer or I feel
  2. Supporting Reasons – at least 3 reasons with expanded details. STRETCH your sentences! Use transition words for each sentence: First, Next, Lastly
  3. Conclusion – say your opinion again with enthusiasm and maybe ask the reader a question: In conclusion…


Grade 2 – Counting on with Money                                    Grade 3 math – Adding Money


In the Comments on Friday, Mia shared that she played a game called The Floor is Lava (assigned by her brother’s teacher). It’s a great indoor rainy day game! Please ask your parents for permission before setting up this game. Create a path from one room to anther with cushions or other objects you can safely jump on.  Try to travel with the fewest possible jumps.


Monday, April 27th


Today is a good chance to catch up on any of your outstanding assignments.                If you’ve sent everything, please enjoy your day off!

I will be busy attending online opportunities to explore more new ways to help you learn at home. I will reply to your emails tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Friday, April 24th

Happy Friday Division 9! Thank you so much to everyone for bringing their money or Earth Day creations to share during our community circle. We got to see such a wide variety of money from different countries and notice what is different and the same as our Canadian money. In the future, we’ll try to keep our Zoom meetings to 45 minutes… those guest appearances of our pets during our Grade 3 Meeting made it take a bit longer than I had planned ; )

GALLERY – be sure to visit it often. The students of Division 9 are incredibly talented and creative. There are some new photos of items shared in our Zoom meetings today or by email yesterday.


WRITING DUE TODAY – I am still waiting for lots of students’ writing from this week: Monday, April 20th’s Opinion Writing about your favourite holiday, Thursday, April 22nd’s Earth Pledge writing and April 23rd’s Something Good reading response. Also, you should have sent me at least one math sheet  from this week.

MATH – Yesterday, during our Zoom meetings, we talked about ways that children earn money. We also talked about different methods of paying. Here are the notes from our brainstorm. Please read them again so you can see if there is something different from the other grade’s Zoom brainstorm. We’ll go back to this brainstorm another day. Please do the worksheet below.

 Math – grade 2                                                              Money – gr. 3 (new sheet)

RAZ KIDS Listen, Read and do a Quiz. I have received recordings from 7 students. Please Record yourself today if you haven’t yet. Any story is fine. I just want to hear you reading aloud! Look for the microphone either in the top middle of the screen (computer/laptop/online version) or right side of the screen (iPad).

OPTIONAL: LISTEN TO A STORY read by Mr. Leach – Just One You


Go to Fun2Draw YouTube channel and choose an animal to draw in the menu on the right.  Please colour your drawing if you want to send it to me for the Gallery.


Get outside and do your favourite activity! I’m going to go for a long walk with my dog then play Spike Ball and Badminton with my family. Please tell us what you did in the Comments.


Thursday, April 23rd

Hello Division 9! I am looking forward to seeing you again today on Zoom.

Grade 2s at 1pm and grade 3s at 11am. See your emails for meeting ID and password.


ZOOM – Please be ready for our Community Circle and MATH lesson. If you have an Earth Day creation or something else to share, have it ready to show us.  Also, if you have money from another country or old money, bring that for our math lesson.

ROBERT MUNSCH READING RESPONSE- Send me a copy of your written response and picture.

  1. Read or listen to Something Good – either go to Montecito Library Web resources and search for it on Tumblebooks using the magnifying glass symbol in the top right corner or you can read it yourself on Epic Books  (Class Code: jix0425 and click on Guest Student). Sorry that I can’t put a direct link to the story as these sites require passwords or a paid license.
  2. Complete the Every Day events response sheet and email it to me. Remember to write your response in FULL SENTENCES!!!

MATH – Play an Peter Pig’s Money Counter or Money Master (click on Canada). Please be aware that grade 2s only have to know how to count coin combinations up to $1.00 and this game has combinations above $1.00. They are still welcome to try these games as I know many students have been doing the grade 3 sheets too. Otherwise, grade 2s can choose to work on their number facts on Cool Math 4 Kids.


Visit Mrs. Field’s Library blog to hear a new story this week. After you click on the picture of Mrs. Field, you will now need to enter a password to hear the story. Please ask your parents to check their email and write it down for you to keep near your iPad or computer- maybe on a post-it note : )


Choose a few different videos to do on Go Noodle. Share the name of your favourite video in the COMMENTS on today’s blog.

Wednesday, April 22nd

Happy Earth Day Division 9!!!

I so enjoyed our Zoom meetings yesterday! It was very nice to see and hear everyone!!! Thank you to your parents for helping and to all of you for being so patient. You were all very respectful listeners and speakers in the meeting too : ) We will meet on Zoom again tomorrow, Thursday, at the same times for each grade. We will still meet in separate grade groups for tomorrow as we make sure that everyone is successful joining the group. We will even do a lesson!

RAZ KIDS RECORDING – thank you to those who have sent it to! The recording must be at least 30 seconds long or it won’t send. Also, you must click to the end of the book and click DONE then you will get a confirmation that your recording was sent to me (and your bonus stars!). Yesterday’s instructions about how to find the microphone to record were for a laptop/computer. If you are using the online version of Raz Kids on an iPad, the instructions I gave yesterday will still work. If you downloaded the Raz Kids App on your Ipad, you will find the microphone (it is white) in the top right corner of the screen. When it prompts you to allow the microphone access – say yes! Start recording and turn the pages all the way until the end to submit it. Again, you will get a confirmation that it was sent to me (and your bonus stars!)

ASSIGNMENTS – I have not been emailing to thank your parents for every assignment they send to me as I don’t want to overwhelm their inboxes. However, I will email back if I need you to add more writing or fix something in your work. I am keeping track of who has submitted which assignments and will let your parents know by email at the end of each week or beginning of the next week (some people catch up on the weekends) if you still need to send me anything. So if you don’t hear from me every time you submit something, please don’t worry!

MORNING MESSAGE –  here It might pop up as a file that you need to open.

WRITING – EARTH DAY PLEDGE-Send me a copy of your writing.

Write about actions that you will or will not do to help look after the Earth.  Your writing should be in a paragraph like a journal with an opening sentence, complete supporting sentences with details and a closing sentence. Remember to reread your writing for COPS (Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling). You are expected to write at least 5 sentences or more. Read my Earth Day writing example. It might pop up as a file that you need to open.

EARTH DAY ACTIVITIES – Take a picture of what you did and send it to me.

Watch this video about a Recycling System. Look for some “local” celebrities ; )

Choose one or more of these activities:

  1. Create something out of recycled materials
  2. Collect natural materials outside (Don’t take anything off of plants! Just collect things already on the ground) and create something
  3. Go on an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
  4. Pitch-In Neighbourhood clean up – only if your parents are with you and they SAFELY do the picking up with tongs or gloves.  You can help them spot the items that are litter.
  5. Think of your own Earth Day activity or find one online that you want to do


Remember to start counting from the largest value coins to the smallest. After doing your math sheet today, play Addition or Subtraction War with a family member to practice your number facts.

Grade 2 Sheet

Grade 3 Sheet


Learn one or both of the line dances below. Then try to teach a family member the dance too!

The Sid Shuffle from the movie Ice Age

Cupid Shuffle

Tuesday, April 21st

Zoom Activities to Use with Distance Learning - Lucky Little Learners

Hello Division 9! I am so looking forward to our Zoom meetings today. Please read the Zoom Ground Rules. Also, make sure you and your parents have reviewed the Video Conferencing_Guideline from yesterday.

MORNING MESSAGE click here. The technical difficulties from yesterday are fixed.



11am – Grade 3s                                 1pm – Grade 2s

See the email from yesterday for the invitation link to click on and join the meeting. I will start the meetings a few minutes early to allow people time to download the Zoom app. If you try to download the app ahead of time, it will prompt you to create an account with your own email… which is great if you want an account, but not necessary.


  2. Click on POEMS/SONGS
  3. Scroll down to POETRY section. Grade 2s – listen to and read Lulo Que Lulo – in English please – the bottom 2 lines on each page.  Grade 3s choose one or two poems in Winter is Fun to listen to and read – you must read at least 2 pages. You will want to practice Reading aloud several times because you are going to record yourself and it will be submitted to me. Remember: Appropriate volume, smooth, even speed and expression.
  4. Go to the Read page. Click the White Arrow at the top middle of the page and a drop down menu will appear. Click the Red Square with the Microphone then the Red Square with the White Circle when you are ready to record. You must click to the end of the book to Done for it to be submitted to me.

MATH: Please email your math sheet to me today.

Remember when you are counting combinations of coins to skip count from the largest value coin first. You might have to switch counting by 25s then 10s then 5s.

Grade 2 – Counting Different Coins                 Grade 3 – Counting Different Coins

Added: Go to Cool Math 4 Kids and practice your addition/subtraction facts for 10 minutes. I encourage you to practice these skills every day.


Visit Mr. Smith’s blog here or through the link at the top of the page.  Sing the songs with both videos (vocals & karaoke). Then try the dances for some PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.


Monday, April 20th

Good Monday morning Division 9! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

MORNING MESSAGE – There should be a new  morning message link to listen/see each day. At school there have been ongoing technical issues with accessing the Morning Message. Please don’t worry if it doesn’t work… try again later or tomorrow. 

REMINDERS – Please send me your Moira’s Birthday Exaggeration response sheet from Friday and your math sheet from Thursday or Friday. I will now put a green reminder of what work should be emailed to me. I know everyone’s schedules vary so it doesn’t necessarily need to be on that day but by the end of that week would be great so that no one falls behind.

GALLERY – Check it out for some new artwork : )

ZOOM – Watch your emails today for invitations to our first Zoom meetings happening this week. Please read and review these Video Conferencing Guidelines.


Listen, Read and complete Quiz for one book. It is very important to Listen to then Read the story so you hear it twice. Then you will know the story better and be able to answer more comprehension questions correctly. Some students are taking the quizzes many many times and I can see you aren’t listening to and reading the story.


Before Spring Break, we were working on sharing a written opinion. Today’s topic is My Favourite Holiday (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Halloween). Follow the Opinion Writing  frame but please write it on your own piece of paper. Remember to follow the guidelines below and send it to me when you are finished.

  1. Opening Sentence – state your opinion beginning with: I think, In my opinion, I believe, I prefer or I feel
  2. Supporting Reasons – at least 3 with expanded details. STRETCH your sentences! Use transition words for each sentence: First, Next, Lastly
  3. Conclusion – say your opinion again with enthusiasm and maybe ask the reader a question: In conclusion…


There are two different sheets today – one for each grade. You can do both if you like. As always, I encourage you to practice counting different coin combinations using the coins in your collection.

Counting Different Coins grade 2                         Counting Different Coins grade 3


Try this 30 minute online workout.

Friday, April 17th

Happy Friday Division 9! We have successfully completed our first week of online learning. Thank you for sending me your work. I really enjoyed reading your comments yesterday! You can click on Comments at the top of Thursday, April 16th to read your friends’ comments and my replies to them. We are exploring many new ways of learning but it is fun and exciting because we are still learning together.

MORNING  MESSAGE – Click to listen to a very special morning message from Mrs. Kimmie. Happy belated birthday to Maddy! Happy birthday to Junwoo!

REMINDER: If you haven’t sent your letter/email to me yet, please send it today.

ASSIGNMENT #1 – ROBERT MUNSCH STORY RESPONSE Please email your work to Mrs. Manners

At school, we had been learning about the different features of Robert Munsch stories. Before spring break, we noticed  that he uses humour and repetition. Today we are going to  pay attention to how he uses exaggeration in Moira’s Birthday.

  1. EDIT Read or listen to Moira’s Birthday – to listen to it and watch it, go to Montecito Library Web resources and search for it on Tumblebooks using the magnifying glass symbol in the top right corner or you can read it yourself on Epic Books  (Class Code: jix0425 and click on Guest Student). Sorry that I can’t put a direct link to the story as these sites require passwords or a paid license.
  2. Complete the Exaggeration response sheet and send it to me by email.

This is your reading assignment today so you don’t have to do Raz Kids unless you still want to do more reading after doing today’s assignments.


Yesterday, you counted all of the same kind of coins. Today there will be mixed groups of coins. So when you are counting, you will need to switch from one kind of skip counting and count on from that number with a different kind of skip counting. 3 dimes and 2 nickels would be counted as 10, 20, 30, 35, 40.

Complete this Counting Mixed Coins worksheet. Again, you can practice with your coin collection too.


Complete the Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt or the Alphabet Scavenger Hunt which can be done indoors/outdoors or you can do BOTH!!!


Drawing with Dav Pilky – author of the Dogman series.

  1. Watch a Dav Pilky How to Draw video
  2. Choose a character to draw.
  3. If you want to share your drawing(s) with the class, ask your parents to take a photo and send it to me so I can put in in our Blog Gallery.

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay healthy and safe!

Thursday, April 16th

Good morning Division 9 students! Happy Thursday!

I hope you had fun on Raz Kids yesterday! I can’t wait to check out your Avatars and your Raz Rockets. I had fun building Avatars and decorating Raz Rockets for Matthew and Maria – those are practice students for me to use while learning how to use this new program. There is so much new to learn for your teacher, too!!!

GALLERY and MATH RESPONSES – ask your parents for the password to check out these new pages.

COMMENTS – please do encourage your child to post in the comments section of that day’s blog when I suggest it for an activity. It won’t show up right away as I have to approve each comment before it is posted to the blog. Once I approve the post, students can go back and click on Comments to see what their classmates said. There are two possible assignments to make COMMENTS on today.


It’s Thursday and we get to “visit” Mrs. Field’s Library Blog and hear a story today! We have read other stories by Kevin Henkes in class. I challenge you to find more Kevin Henkes titles and share them in the COMMENTS section on this blog post. Maybe you have some Kevin Henkes books at home or you could check out the new Bookmark called Epic Books – it has SO many books to choose from. Our Classroom Code is jix0425 


Counting collections of the same kind of coins (e.g. all nickels, all dimes or all quarters)  is just like skip counting by 5s, 10s, and 25s. Use your skip counting skills to count the collections of coins on this Counting Similar Coins worksheet – please ask your parents to take a picture of your completed worksheet and send it to me. Remember, if you don’t have a printer, you can write your answers in an email or on a piece of paper and take a picture to send me instead. As an extension, use your collection of coins to create and count different amounts of the same kind of coins. You can create them yourself or if your parents/brother/sister aren’t busy, ask someone else to create coin collections for you.


Listen to the story. Read the story. Do the Quiz for one story. I do check to see how your reading is going and that you are following the steps. Look for messages from me in the speaking bubble. If you haven’t found the Messages, My Stats and Star Zone buttons yet, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find them – under Level Up!


It’s an exciting day because you get to visit another new blog – Mr. Smith’s Music Blog!!! It’s still under construction but there are some songs to listen to under the Grade 2/3 Menu.


Get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine! Walk, bike ride, jump rope, play badminton, bounce/kick a ball or something else. Share what outside activity you did today in the COMMENTS section of the blog.



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