Mrs. Manners Grade 1/2 Class

Category: Blog Posts (Page 4 of 6)

Wednesday, May 13th

Thank you for sending your social distancing 2 metres posters! You can see some of them in the new page in the top menu of the blog. They are a good reminder of how far 2 metres really is so that will help us stay safe when we are out in public. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

MORNING MESSAGE with Ms. Chin and guests

ZOOM – MUSIC with Mr. Smith at 2pm.

ASSIGNMENT #1 – WRITING – Email to me

Story writing takes many steps. We are in the PREWRITING stage where we are thinking of some ideas and details and begin to organize them. Today you will continue to plan your story in the style of Robert Munsch.

  • Reread your Plan from Monday to read and remember all the important features and details that you want to include. Here is a Beginning Middle End Map to make some notes for each section. Do NOT write sentences! Just put notes/ideas in short phrases or words about what will happen in each section. Be sure to include details about the characters, setting and events in your story. If your story happens at breakfast – what are the characters having for breakfast? If they are watching TV – what show are they watching?
  • Beginning – character names, setting (where the story happens) & every day event
  • Middle – problem/funny thing that happens during the every day event and something that repeats and/or a funny sound
  • End – how the problem is solved

ASSIGNMENT # 2 – MATH – Choosing Different Units of Linear Measurement

Here is the chart made by both Grade 2s and 3s during our Zoom meeting yesterday. It has all of the Linear Measurement Uses  we thought of together. If you think of any more uses, please put them in the comments.

We have learned about centimeters (cm) for measuring smaller items and metres (m) for measuring larger items. There are also kilometers (km) for measuring longer distances like walking, riding a bike or driving and millimetres (mm) for measuring very small items like ants, buttons or paper clips. Please complete the worksheet below by choosing which unit of measurement would work best for different items.

Linear Units of Measurement Worksheet


Create a poster or sign to hold up and show during the Montecito staff parade happening tomorrow at 1pm. It could say: We Miss You, We Will All Be Okay, See You Soon, We Are In This Together or something else of your choice!


Explore some new yoga  poses on Cosmic Kids Yoga. Choose a new video that you would like to try.

Tuesday, May 12th

Good morning Division9! Happy Tuesday in the rain! I am enjoying your very creative and funny Robert Munsch story plans and can’t wait until they become actual stories. We are a division of authors : )


ZOOM MEETINGS 11am for Grade 3s and 1pm for Grade 2s

ASSIGNMENT #1: MATH – 2 Metres & Social Distancing  EMAIL TO ME

  • Take your metre length string (or use your arm span) for a scavenger hunt around your house and find 5 or more items that are 2 metres long.
  • 2 metres is the Social Distance that we need to be from each other to stay healthy and safe in public.
  • Choose one item that is 2m long that you want to draw.
  • Create a social distancing poster/picture, like the examples below, with a title.
  • Your picture must include drawings of 2 people with the 2m length object between them and be coloured.
  • Please label your picture: an arrow and 2m,  words that say “Stay 2m Apart” or something else that explains it.



Listen, Read, Quiz and RECORD for one story of your choice in your Reading Room of Raz Kids.


Monday, May 11th

Hello Division 9! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I hope you found some way to make your mom feel special and appreciated yesterday too!!!

A very Happy Birthday to Mia this past Saturday!

MORNING MESSAGE with some furry guests!


We are going to write our own stories in the style of Robert Munsch. Today please fill out the planning sheet with your ideas. Try to include all of the parts that make a Robert Munsch story funny!


  • Find some string/yarn. Cut a length that is 100 cm or 1 metre long like I explained in our Thursday Zoom meeting.
  • Just like finger width space is a referent for a cm, your arm span (the length of outstretched arm from finger tip to finger tip) is a referent for a metre.
  • Complete this Worksheet about Metres


Friday, May 8th

Hello Division 9! Let’s have a fantastic Friday! Thank you so much for all your work and learning at home this week. I am so enjoying reading your written work and listening to you read aloud on Raz Kids.

I hope all of our Division 9 moms have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday!!!

Students – please think about and plan how you can show your mom that you appreciate her and make her feel loved on Sunday! There are some optional writing frames in our blog today that you might like to fill out to tell her why she is special.



Listen, Read and Quiz for one story of your choice in your Reading Room. If you didn’t record on Wednesday, please record 2-3  minutes of your reading aloud for me today.

ASSIGMENT #2 – MATH – drawing lines with your ruler and math games

Measurement Worksheet 5 – be sure to start drawing your line at the 0cm mark.

Go to Math Playground and choose a Money/Time or Addition/Subtraction Game

OPTIONAL ART – Make a Mother’s Day card/craft/sign or write a Mother’s Day Poem or fill out a Mother’s Day Questionnaire

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – An Indoor/Outdoor Scavenger Hunt or BOTH!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt                                     Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt 2



Thursday, May 7th

Happy Thursday Division  9! Mrs. Kimmie sent the picture below of the new Montecito Childcare Centre. Wow! So much change and it sure looks like a nice outdoor space : )


ZOOM – 11am for everyone. We will have a guest Montecito staff member join us today… I wonder who it will be?

LIBRARY – Visit Mrs. Field’s Library blog to read a book about Coronavirus.


Please write several sentences about what you learned from the book about Coronavirus.  Please use some or all of the sentence starters below. Grade 3s should use  them all. Grade 2s should do a minimum of 3 sentences.

  • I learned that coronavirus is…
  • Someone might catch coronavirus by…
  • We need to stay home more often because…
  • I feel… when I stay home…
  • I can help stop coronavirus from spreading by…
  • I can also help by…

ASSINGMENT #2 – MATH – Drawing lines with your ruler. We are only measuring in whole numbers. Be sure you are starting at the 0cm mark and record the closest number – no decimals/fractions.

Measurement  Worksheet 4

You can also play these measurement games online. Be sure to choose cm!

Measure it on Fun Brain

Strolling with my Gnomies  – A Measuring Game


Go to this YouTube Channel and choose a different favourite superhero workout than you chose last week. Tell us which superhero you chose in the Comments.





Wednesday, May 6th

Good morning Division 9! I enjoyed our Zoom meetings again yesterday. Thank you so much for bringing your rulers for our lesson. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

MORNING MESSAGEhere with Ms. Field

ZOOM – MUSIC with Mr. Smith at 2pm. If you would like to join, please see the email that I sent for his Meeting ID. It is the same every week.

WRITING – JUST ONE YOU (how you are special/unique) I forgot to ask you to send it to me on Monday. Please email it today if you haven’t already!


  • Read, Listen and do the Quiz. Then Record.
  • Please make sure that you choose a book from the Reading Room.
  • You only have to record yourself reading for 2-3 minutes. You can press Stop then click to the end of the story to Done and the program will send your recording to me.

MATH – Email to me.

  • Use your ruler to measure on the worksheet today.
  • If you can’t print the worksheet, you can just hold your ruler up to the screen to measure and write your answers on  a piece of paper.
  • If you don’t have a ruler, there is a Printable Ruler here.
  • Remember to start measuring from the 0 line like we talked about in our Zoom meeting.

Measurement Worksheet 3


Which one was your favourite Go Noodle today? Please share in the comments. It’s fun to see which ones you chose and your classmates can look for suggestions of new ones that they can try : )

Tuesday, May 5th

MORNING MESSAGE with Mrs. Manners!!!


ZOOM – Grade 2s at 1pm and grade 3s at 11am.  We will do Community Circle first then we will be talking about our new math unit: Measurement. Bring your ruler!


  • Go to Tumblebooks or Epic Books or even your own bookshelf!
  • Try to choose a Robert Munsch book that we haven’t read together as a class.
  • Watch for: Repetition, Humour, Exaggeration, Every Day Events and Onamatopeia. Not every Robert Munsch book necessarily has all of these features but they usually have several of them.
  • Complete the  Robert Munsch summary response sheet 

OPTIONAL EXTENSION: Go to Robert Munsch’s official website. You can click on different book titles and find out where he got the idea to write each story. I learned that in the story Something Good, Tyya is actually his real daughter’s name and that he got the idea for the story from a real experience he had at the grocery store!


When measuring, be sure to count the spaces again. We will be learning about how to use a ruler and the features of different rulers in our Zoom meetings today.

Measurement Sheet 2

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: PE with JOE and Mindful Moments

Try this Beginners workout that explains the exercises very well.

Then do a couple of Mindful Moments to unwind at the end. Tell us which one is your favourite in the comments.





Monday, May 4th

Happy Monday – Star Wars Day! May the Fourth (Force) be with you today!!!

PARENT SURVEY – Thank you so much for your survey replies! I appreciate knowing how the learning journey is going for you and your child at home. I know we are all taking on new roles and learning new things. Please continue to contact me anytime you have questions or concerns so that I can figure out the best way to help you and your child.

MORNING MESSAGE with some special Star Wars guests

ASSIGMENT #1: JUST ONE YOU! Email to me.

  • Watch Mr. Leach read Just One You!  again. Read my written example.
  • Think about what makes you unique and special.
  • Write 5 sentences in a paragraph just like we do in our Opinion Writing frame:
  • Opening sentence
  • 3 supporting reasons in separate sentences – each with a reason why you are unique with added details.
  • Closing sentence or question.
  • Proofread your writing for COPS (Capitalization Organization Punctuation and Spelling).


Be careful to measure (count the spaces between the arrows) – not necessarily from the 0cm at the beginning. Did you notice that each cm space is about the size of the width of your finger?

Measurement 1


Try some Star Wars Yoga on Cosmic Kids Yoga to celebrate Star Wars Day.

The physical activities that I suggest are just possible options. Of course, if it’s a nice day outside then go for a bike ride or a walk, play ball/soccer with someone in your family, jump rope, etc. Or if you would rather do one of the other online activities from another day, you can check under Physical Activities on the top menu for links or create your own game. But be sure to be active for at least 30 minutes every day!!!


Friday, May 1st

Happy Friday Division 9! Great work on your learning this week!

HOMEWORK: Find a ruler this weekend! We will be starting measurement in Math next week.

MORNING MESSAGE – from Ms. Hall Use your Montecito login and password that I sent yesterday if you haven’t been able to see these videos. You might want to go back and watch the previous messages as well. They are fun and it’s so nice to see the staff of Montecito!

NEW: COUNSELLING BLOGMs. Ingham’s blog has resources for parents and students. There is a new link in the top menu for you to go back to as needed. We looked at the Students’ section during our Zoom meeting yesterday.


Watch Little Critter: Just Saving Money and The Berenstain Bears: Dollars and Sense

Think about how you earn or get money and how you would like to save or spend that money. Please try to write at least 4-5 sentences with details on piece of paper. Here are some sentence starters to help you write about it:

  • I get money when…
  • I earn money by…
  • I plan to save my money to buy…
  • I will have to wait….
  • I like to spend my money right away on…

Optional Math Game: Play Peter Pig’s Money Counter again.


Listen, Read, Quiz and RECORD – you don’t have to record the whole story. About 2 minutes is enough. Then you can press the stop button and click the pages until the end of the story until DONE so it will send it to me.

OPTIONAL – ART – Go to Art for Kids Hub and choose something that you would like to draw. Email to me if you like. Remember it must be coloured if you want to include it on the Gallery. Thank you!

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: JUMP ROPE Write your favourite trick in the Comments.

What tricks do you remember from our PE lessons? Practice your jump rope tricks. If you don’t have a jump rope at home, you can still do the actions and the jumping is excellent fitness.

We learned: Twister, Bell, Skier, Scissors, Side Straddle, One Foot, Boxes, Front Cross, Backwards and some Partner Tricks



Thursday, April 30th

Good morning Division 9! You will only have one main assignment today as it will take you a bit longer to gather all the items needed to complete your work.

MORNING MESSAGE with Ms. Foy and Mrs. Vaughn

ZOOM 11am   Just one meeting today for the whole class!

ASSIGNMENT #1: MATH – MONEY PROJECT – Email me a picture

  • Gather 10 items
  • Write a price for each item using both types of money notation: $0.00 and 0c – my keyboard can’t do a cent sign
  • Show the amount of money with real money or cut out coins from the  coin sheet or draw your own money
  • Click here to see a larger photo for an example of what it should look like

Grade 2s only need to show amounts up to $1.00 but can do larger amounts if they like. Grade 3s should have at least half of their examples include both dollars and cents.


Go to Epic Books or Tumblebooks and choose a new book or two that you have never read before. Share the name of a book that you recommend to your classmates in the Comments.

LIBRARY – Visit Mrs. Field’s Library blog to hear a new story each week. Don’t forget you need the password!


Choose some  Go Noodle or  PE with Joe videos to do today.

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