Good morning Division 9 families!

Welcome to the first day of using our class blog for learning at home! You may do your work in any order that you choose, however I encourage you to create a daily routine just like we have a Shape of the Day in the classroom. Here are some things to consider as you think about designing a routine that will work best for your family:

  • Get up and go to bed at the same time each day. Eat snacks and meals at regular times.
  • Get dressed and have breakfast before you start learning – just like a regular day at school.
  • Gather your supplies and technology in a work space where you can concentrate .
  • Ask your parents for help if needed.
  • Try to spend some time every day doing a variety of activities: school work, screen time, chores, exercise and free time.  If possible, get outside daily.

ASSIGNMENT #1: Send me a letter/email.

You can write your letter on a piece of paper and have your parents take a photo of it and email it, you can type your letter in a word document then your parents can save it and send it as an attachment or you can type it in your parents’ email, if it’s okay with them. Tell me about how and what you are doing at home. Think about some/all of the questions below:

  • How you are feeling? How are you doing?
  • What do you like and dislike about staying at home?
  • What have you been doing to keep busy? What is your favourite activity so far?
  • How have you stayed active? What suggestions do you have for physical activities while staying safe at home?
  • What do you want me to know so I can help you to learn at home?
  • What do you wonder about? You can ask me a question too.

Things to think about:

  • Writing an email is just like writing a letter so start with a greeting like, “Dear Mrs. Manners,” or “Hello Ms. Manners!”
  • Write an opening sentence like, “I have been missing going to school.” or “It has been so different staying at home.”
  • Write details (5Ws) supported by thoughts and feelings! Use the word “because” to explain.
  • Write a closing sentence like, “I am looking forward to your email back to me.”
  • Finish with an ending like, “Sincerely/From, your name” 

Hint: You can start your writing today then go back and add more ideas through this week. Be sure to read your writing over at least 3 times. When it’s ready, SEND it to

DUE DATE: Friday, April 17 or sooner

ASSIGNMENT #2: Math topic: Money

Please gather a collection of coins so that you have them ready for activities in our new math unit on money. Please try to find a couple of loonies and toonies, 4 quarters, 10 dimes and 20 nickels then put them in a ziploc bag. If you can’t find any/enough coins, print out the  Canadian Coins Sheet and cut out the needed coins. Bonus: see if you can find some pennies too! If you don’t know which coin is which, talk to your parents about their names and values as you ask for help to collect them from around your house.

Think about the following questions:

  • Why did I ask for 4 quarters, 10 dimes and 20 nickels – not a different amount?
  • Do you know the name and value of each type of coin?
  • What is the same about all the coins in the 1st picture? Hint: look at both sides.
  • What is different about the coins in the second picture?

Bonus activity: Collect money from other countries or older different looking Canadian money for sharing later.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:  Click to try out this Go Noodle water cycle dance (after 5 seconds, you can click SKIP AD). Listen to the words and definitions to review our learning about the water cycle. Have fun!!!