Happy Friday Division 9! Great work on your learning this week!

HOMEWORK: Find a ruler this weekend! We will be starting measurement in Math next week.

MORNING MESSAGE – from Ms. Hall Use your Montecito login and password that I sent yesterday if you haven’t been able to see these videos. You might want to go back and watch the previous messages as well. They are fun and it’s so nice to see the staff of Montecito!

NEW: COUNSELLING BLOGMs. Ingham’s blog has resources for parents and students. There is a new link in the top menu for you to go back to as needed. We looked at the Students’ section during our Zoom meeting yesterday.


Watch Little Critter: Just Saving Money and The Berenstain Bears: Dollars and Sense

Think about how you earn or get money and how you would like to save or spend that money. Please try to write at least 4-5 sentences with details on piece of paper. Here are some sentence starters to help you write about it:

  • I get money when…
  • I earn money by…
  • I plan to save my money to buy…
  • I will have to wait….
  • I like to spend my money right away on…

Optional Math Game: Play Peter Pig’s Money Counter again.


Listen, Read, Quiz and RECORD – you don’t have to record the whole story. About 2 minutes is enough. Then you can press the stop button and click the pages until the end of the story until DONE so it will send it to me.

OPTIONAL – ART – Go to Art for Kids Hub and choose something that you would like to draw. Email to me if you like. Remember it must be coloured if you want to include it on the Gallery. Thank you!

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: JUMP ROPE Write your favourite trick in the Comments.

What tricks do you remember from our PE lessons? Practice your jump rope tricks. If you don’t have a jump rope at home, you can still do the actions and the jumping is excellent fitness.

We learned: Twister, Bell, Skier, Scissors, Side Straddle, One Foot, Boxes, Front Cross, Backwards and some Partner Tricks