Good morning Division 9! I enjoyed our Zoom meetings again yesterday. Thank you so much for bringing your rulers for our lesson. Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

MORNING MESSAGEhere with Ms. Field

ZOOM – MUSIC with Mr. Smith at 2pm. If you would like to join, please see the email that I sent for his Meeting ID. It is the same every week.

WRITING – JUST ONE YOU (how you are special/unique) I forgot to ask you to send it to me on Monday. Please email it today if you haven’t already!


  • Read, Listen and do the Quiz. Then Record.
  • Please make sure that you choose a book from the Reading Room.
  • You only have to record yourself reading for 2-3 minutes. You can press Stop then click to the end of the story to Done and the program will send your recording to me.

MATH – Email to me.

  • Use your ruler to measure on the worksheet today.
  • If you can’t print the worksheet, you can just hold your ruler up to the screen to measure and write your answers on  a piece of paper.
  • If you don’t have a ruler, there is a Printable Ruler here.
  • Remember to start measuring from the 0 line like we talked about in our Zoom meeting.

Measurement Worksheet 3


Which one was your favourite Go Noodle today? Please share in the comments. It’s fun to see which ones you chose and your classmates can look for suggestions of new ones that they can try : )