Good Monday morning Division 9! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

MORNING MESSAGE – There should be a new  morning message link to listen/see each day. At school there have been ongoing technical issues with accessing the Morning Message. Please don’t worry if it doesn’t work… try again later or tomorrow. 

REMINDERS – Please send me your Moira’s Birthday Exaggeration response sheet from Friday and your math sheet from Thursday or Friday. I will now put a green reminder of what work should be emailed to me. I know everyone’s schedules vary so it doesn’t necessarily need to be on that day but by the end of that week would be great so that no one falls behind.

GALLERY – Check it out for some new artwork : )

ZOOM – Watch your emails today for invitations to our first Zoom meetings happening this week. Please read and review these Video Conferencing Guidelines.


Listen, Read and complete Quiz for one book. It is very important to Listen to then Read the story so you hear it twice. Then you will know the story better and be able to answer more comprehension questions correctly. Some students are taking the quizzes many many times and I can see you aren’t listening to and reading the story.


Before Spring Break, we were working on sharing a written opinion. Today’s topic is My Favourite Holiday (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Halloween). Follow the Opinion Writing  frame but please write it on your own piece of paper. Remember to follow the guidelines below and send it to me when you are finished.

  1. Opening Sentence – state your opinion beginning with: I think, In my opinion, I believe, I prefer or I feel
  2. Supporting Reasons – at least 3 with expanded details. STRETCH your sentences! Use transition words for each sentence: First, Next, Lastly
  3. Conclusion – say your opinion again with enthusiasm and maybe ask the reader a question: In conclusion…


There are two different sheets today – one for each grade. You can do both if you like. As always, I encourage you to practice counting different coin combinations using the coins in your collection.

Counting Different Coins grade 2                         Counting Different Coins grade 3


Try this 30 minute online workout.