
Accessible Canada Act – Social Life

Good morning everyone,
I wanted to share this survey with you all to make sure you are aware of this ongoing survey that will make a difference toward establishing standards for Accessible Canada Act, in terms of social life. As a linguistic and cultural minority group, we have the power to address access barriers across multi-systems we continue to face on a daily basis. This is our opportunity to share our voice and experience so that folks involved in the decision making process on behalf of us are aware of social barriers and highlight areas of importance that needs to be addressed for the majority, if not all, of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community across Canada.
Copied and pasted from the survey’s introduction page.
ASL Version available. Note: It says that it would take an hour to complete. It took me about 15 minutes to complete 85 questions. The amount of questions depend on your response to each question.


You are invited to take part in this survey conducted by theGroupe de recherche sur la LSQ et le bilinguisme sourd of UQAM (Research Group on LSQ and Deaf Bilingualism, UQAM)in partnership with theRéseau québécois pour l’inclusion sociale des personnes sourdes et malentendantes (REQIS)andCB Linguistic Services (CBLS).

The aim of this project is to document and analyzethe needs and perceptions of Deaf and hard of hearing people concerning information accessibility in the different spheres of social life.

This research project is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Accessibility Standards Canada program,in collaboration with the ReQIS and the Faculty of Humanities of UQÀM. 

If you want to go on a previous page, you must use the “Previous” button. Do not use the arrows on your browser because you will exit the survey.

You can move the video forward or backward as you wish with your cursor.

The link to the survey is available at: https://sondage.uqam.ca/871323?lang=en&fbclid=IwAR1OFxiwyCGnDCKqV6ZcrTJ5bVvASFj4R-hk-J_wbDXgtlhAgPHw9Jo14u4

If you are able to, please consider completing this survey with your Deaf and/or Hard of Hearing child(ren). 

Happy Monday,

Mr. MacDonald.

About macdonaldj

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