

Good morning, everyone! My blog has been quiet for some time while I was away recovering from my surgery. Thank you for your patience, your kind words and your support during my absence. It was hard being away from my students, but I knew they were in good hands even though there were some hiccups here and there throughout the last two weeks before spring break.

This is my first week back at work, and I am slowly catching up on what was completed and what hadn’t been completed during my absence. Please do get in touch with me if you haven’t heard from me regarding your child’s progress in class.

I am so glad spring is here. I am looking forward to sunny days and warm temperatures. Students quickly pointed out that I am wearing a sweater (which is highly unusual for me) since I normally gets hot easily, even in cold weather (You are talking to a Newfoundlander!). Now I am wearing sweaters lately, as part of my recovery from surgery. I hope to be back being feeling hot soon. Fingers crossed.

Be sure to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having lately. I heard that it’s supposed to rain all week next week. Yucky. As always, please know that I am here to support you and your child as much as I can from my end. I am an email away.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the sunshine.

Mr. MacDonald.

About macdonaldj

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