La réconciliation

Every child matters.

Chaque enfant compte.

Division 10 participated in a school-wide reconciliation activity this week. Called the “Reconciliation Rock Project”, students first listened to older peers read Trudy’s Rock Story by Gitxsan author Trudy Spiller.

Then, students searched for their own special rock on a nature walk.

Once found, they added words and/or drawings to their rocks that show solidarity with and care for Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Their next step is to explain their rock’s significance to loved ones and return it to the environment. Hopefully, members of the local community will notice and appreciate them.

(In keeping with our belief to do no harm to nature, we used Crayola washable markers. Hopefully, these messages will be seen before the next rainfall!)

Il pleut!

At the end of our first full week together, we ventured out into a rain storm for our first sortie nature. What a way to start our place-based education program with a bang – or, rather, splash! We’re building our stamina. On this very wet and blustery day, we understood that rain gear will be essential to exploring the outdoors comfortably this fall and winter.

On this first outing, we discussed some basic rules: stay close to the group, stay focused on any tasks for the day, and do no harm to nature! Division 10 students had fun running in and out of the forest. They even found a ‘living’ tunnel shaped from brush and low-lying branches. We ended this first exploration by connecting to one of our 5 senses. We practiced listening attentively to rainfall on leaves overhead.

Que vois-tu dehors?

Bonjour et bienvenue à notre blogue de classe! Welcome to our class blog! Here’s where we’ll share some of our learning moments.

Spending time outside connects us to place. On this late summer day, students were encouraged to pay attention to what’s outside. We focused our attention on living things.

Flowers, leaves, and trees caught our attention the most. Their shapes and colours inspired us.