Child Prodigies of Music from the Present

Social media enables instant recognition of musical talent including that of young musical prodigies. A music prodigy is literally an individual that demonstrated musical talent before the age of 10. Such talent is inspirational and should be experienced by others. That is not to say that everyone will be as talented musically but that all […]

Child Prodigies in Music from the Past

When studying Music whether in school or through private instruction, there are certain names that are always remembered. Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart is always remembered first – not necessarily for his prolific skills in composing remarkable music but for the skills he demonstrated at an early age. He was a child prodigy who not only performed […]

Our 2020 Christmas Singalong

Due to the restrictions and protocols to be followed at school I opted to create a singalong that everyone can access whether at school or at home. I miss the opportunity for all staff and students to gather but am glad that we can still organize some of our annual events to boost our Nelson […]

Novelty Christmas Songs

At this time of year I listen to a lot of music from different genres and performing artists. When younger I remember hearing songs played on the radio, in stores, on television and on our record player. In fact I have many of these selections on records and play them frequently whenever possible during the […]

Popular Songs For Halloween Are More Than Just About Monsters

In North America, Halloween has become a day to celebrate with not only costumes and trick or treating but with decorations and light displays. Many include creepy sound effects or popular songs about monsters at their festivities to set the mood for their guests. I have only included a few favourites here from the numerous […]

Using Chrome Music Lab Song Maker for Composition

Division 1 & 2 students are studying how music determines the reactions and emotions of an audience when combined with images. One of their assignments will be to use Chrome Music Lab – Song Maker to create their own original musical compositions for film background music. When exploring Chrome Music Lab several factors need to […]

How Musical Accompaniment Tells a Story

Music can affect one’s emotions. Not only the music itself but especially when combined with images or illustrations. When moving pictures were first created they were thought remarkable due to the technology involved.  They were not really popular until movie theatres brought in organs or pianos to be played simultaneously while the images were being […]

Simple Gifts for Thanksgiving

The holiday of Thanksgiving in Canada originally started in the 19th century as a means of celebrating faith and the harvest of crops grown. In 1908 pressure from the railways caused parliament to move Thanksgiving to a Monday to create a long weekend. The reasoning of the railways was that three days allowed for families […]

Peter and the Wolf

Each year, during the season of Autumn, I usually choose a famous composition to study in depth with all primary students. This year I will be introducing students to Prokofiev’s famous composition – “Peter and the Wolf.” In 1936 the Russian composer Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev wrote the symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf.” It […]

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

The Hungarian composer Franz Liszt was influenced by the folk music he heard as a boy. Although he composed 19 Hungarian Rhapsodies in total, his Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-sharp minor is the most famous. Composed in 1847 and published as a piano solo in 1851 it achieved immediate acclaim and was a favourite […]