Dance Moves:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

I bet most of you watch YouTube! Or do you listen to Spotify? Or both?

For this assignment,

  1. Find your favourite song to move/dance to. (Remember: appropriate for school!)
  2. Listen carefully to the FORM. (for example: intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus).
  3. Make up a series of moves for each different part. (Use your own ideas. You can watch Youtube dance videos for ideas if you’re stumped). Use any dance style you like.
  4. Practice the moves.
  5. Once you have something you’re happy with, write the moves down so someone else could understand them. Give the reader a key: (for instance: LS= Left Shoulder, RF=Right Foot, RA=Right Arm, etc. Moves: Pop LS, Pop RS, LF forward, RF forward, RA up, LA up, etc.)
  6. Practice the moves some more. Try teaching it to someone in your family!
  7. When you feel good about, write it down, neatly, along with the name of the song, and send it to me at
  8. (totally optional) If you’re feeling brave,  you can video yourself doing the dance and send that, or post it and send me the link! Don’t forget to have fun! 🙂