Now that we are finally underway with our novel, Word Nerd, I thought I should give a quick recap of what blogs we have done, and those soon to come (Blog#4 + 5). Please keep yourself up-to-date, and feel free to KEEP BLOGGING if the writing bug has caught you!

  • Blog#5 – FREE WRITE. This is an actual blog. Write about whatever you want. Make it a fictional story; write about something you know, or write a review. YOUR CHOICE!
  • Blog#4 – Explaining Irene’s Response
  • Blog#3 – Prediction#2
  • Blog#2 – Cover Prediction
  • Blog#1 – Meet the Leader Reflection

These posts can be found in your ePortfolio. Students, don’t forget to post pictures of what you’ve been up to so far this year. If you post a picture, be sure to include a reflective caption.