Spelling Activities

On Monday:

Have your child cut and sort the words into categories like the ones we did in school. Your child should read each word aloud during this activity. Ask your child to explain to you why the words are sorted in a particular way – what does the sort reveal about the spelling pattern? Ask your child to sort them a second time as fast as possible (Speed sort) making sure they say the word and the keyword.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

Choose a different sorting game each night.

No Peek Sort

  1. Place a word (or picture) from each category (i.e., “keyword”) on the table.
  2. Read the rest of the words aloud. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it. It is important that your child repeat the word and tell you where to place the word by reading the appropriate keyword. (e.g., if the word card is bat and the keyword is cat, your child should say “bat, cat”)
  3. Let your child move it if he or she is wrong. Repeat if your child makes more than one error.

Partner Sort

  1. Place the keywords for sorting on the table.
  2. Read each word card aloud and have your child repeat the word and the appropriate keyword as he or she places it under the right keyword. Check to see that words are sorted correctly.
  3. Switch places and have your child read you the words while you sort them.

Mixed-Up Sort

  1. Place the keywords for sorting on the table and sort the word cards.
  2. Have your child turn his/her back to the cards while you mix them up so that some word cards are under the wrong keyword.
  3. After turning back around, your child must sort the words correctly while reading aloud the word and the keyword. Check to see that words are sorted correctly then switch places.

Sentences Writing Practice

  1. Have your child choose five words.
  2. Encourage your child to write complete sentences (that begin with a capital and end with proper punctuation) using the chosen five words from the sort.
  3. Have them check for complete sentences and make any necessary revisions.

Word Hunt

Assist your child in doing a word hunt, looking for words in a familiar book that have the same sound pattern or both. Try to find two or three for each category.

Writing Sort

  1. Write the keywords on a piece of paper. Set up the paper with the keywords written on the top in columns. This is similar to how the spelling test will be on Fridays.
  2. As you call out the words in a random order, your child should write them under the appropriate keyword. Call out any words your child misspells a second (or third) time and give them hints such as, emphasizing the sound he or she is missing or comparing the incorrectly spelled word to the spelling patterns of the other words.

Speed Sort

Speed sorting is no different than ordinary word or picture sorting except that you can time your child using a stopwatch. It is important that your child reads the word card and the keyword aloud as he or she quickly sorts. Ensure that you get a turn as well for your child will enjoy trying to beat your time!

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