What should we bring to school?

In our classroom, we have tables instead of desks, promoting group seating and cooperation. Supplies will be shared, except for duotangs. We’ll discuss sharing, treating supplies respectfully, and being considerate at our table groups. Please do not label any of your child’s supplies, such as pencils, pencil crayons, markers, etc. Thank you for your support and cooperation!

In addition to our shared supplies, please ensure your child comes to school each day with:

  • Labelled water bottles
  • Inside shoes – A pair of shoes to be kept at school and worn indoors
  • Appropriate footwear and jackets – Ensure your child is dressed to be both inside and outside each day, including appropriate footwear and jackets if needed.
  • Change of clothes – Please send a full change of clothes (socks and underwear too) with their names on each piece in a labelled bag that can hang on their hook in the cloakroom in case they get wet, muddy etc.
  • Nutritious snack and lunch

What should stay home?

    • Toys and electronics

Any specific info about snacks and lunches we should know?

  • We have a Pack In and Pack Out initiative for litterless lunches. Students are encouraged to pack all wrappers and garbage back into their lunch bags to bring home for proper disposal.
  • Also, please note that we are a nut-aware school. We kindly request that you check the ingredients of all foods your child brings to school and avoid sending snacks containing nuts. Thank you for your cooperation!

How can we support our children at home? 

  • Reading
    • Ensure they are reading every day for 15 minutes. You can read with them or listen to them read
  • Word Study –
    • Remind your child to sort the words into categories like the ones we did in school.  Your child should read each word aloud during this activity.  Ask your child to explain to you why the words are sorted in a particular way.  What does the sort reveal about spelling in general?  Ask your child to sort them a second time as fast as possible.  You may want to time them.
    • Assist your child in doing a word hunt, looking for words in a book they have already read that have the same sound, pattern, or both.  Try to find two or three for each category.
    • Do a no peeking sort with your child.  Lay down a word from each category as a header and then read the rest of the words aloud.  Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.  Lay it down and let your child move it if he or she is wrong.  Repeat if your child makes more than one error.
    • Do a writing sort to prepare for the Friday test.  As you call out the words in a random order your child should write them in categories.
  • Math
    • Engage in fun math songs to encourage math fluency

Thank you for your support at home!

What’s the purpose of the planner?

  • In our class, planners are used as a communication tool among teachers, students, and families, and they’re a great way to stay organized. Each morning, we write in our planners, and students are expected to put them in their backpacks when they’re done. Your child’s planner will contain information about upcoming events and reminders, and any important notices will also be in the front pocket of their planner.
  • Please initial your child’s planner each night to show that you have seen it. If you need to pass along any information to me, you can write it in their planner and I will respond back. Thank you for your support!

How do we contact you? 

  • You can email me at althea.kwok@burnabyschools.ca or you can find me outside at the end of the day