
We had an amazing time visiting the pumpkin patch, sparking our curiosity about pumpkins. We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin, from a tiny seed to a sprout, then a flower on a vine, followed by a green pumpkin, and finally, a bright orange one. Then, we explored the various components of a pumpkin, including the seeds, stem, skin, pulp, and fibrous strands.

Following that, we measured our class pumpkin. We estimated the size and weight of the pumpkin to make predictions, and then we utilized non-standard measurements to determine its size.

We even tasted pumpkin seeds for the first time! Ms. Jung roasted some pumpkin seeds tossed with cinnamon and sugar to share with our class. They were so delicious and crunchy! We really enjoyed the roasted pumpkin seeds!

We learned a lot from our exploration of pumpkins, and we’d like to express a big thank you to the PAC for organizing the pumpkin patch visit and to Haley’s mom, Shu, for creating the fantastic pumpkin pick-me-up activity!

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