In science, we have been learning about forces and motion! We had a blast participating in a balloon rocket race with our big buddies, exploring how the force of the air propels the balloon along the line. Together with our buddies, we crafted various balloons and conducted experiments with different amounts of air inside. We were curious to find out if more or less air would affect the speed of the balloon. Additionally, we wondered if the angle of the balloon made a difference. This experiment was both enjoyable and informative!

We created tuques using white oil pastels, watercolour paint, tissue paper, and glue. We used the white oil pastels to draw a hidden pattern and design on our tuques. Afterward, we painted over the white oil pastels, and we were amazed to see our design emerge – it was like magic! Following that, we used tissue paper to make the pom-pom on the top of our hats. This art project was incredibly enjoyable, and we got the chance to learn many new skills and techniques!

Let’s sprinkle kindness wherever we go!

To create a visual reminder, we made donuts with our big buddies. It was a fun and collaborative project where we worked together to create our unique donuts, each one amazing in its own way!

Throughout the year, we will reflect on these donuts and the importance of spreading kindness. Even the smallest act of kindness can brighten up someone’s day!