Skip Counting!

In math, we have been learning how to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s up to 100! We participated in fun songs, chants, activities, and games about skip counting. As we move on to our next unit in math, I would encourage all families to continue practicing skip counting at home!

For families – Skip counting activities to do at home:

  • Online games
  • Musical Chairs – Play musical chairs but with a skip counting twist. Place numbers on chairs (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8…) and play music as your child walks around. When the music stops, they must find a chair and say the number they land on, skipping count by the designated sequence.
  • Scavenger Hunt – Hide objects around the house or in the yard and label them with numbers in a skip counting sequence. For example, your child might find an object labeled “2,” then “4,” then “6,” and so on. As they collect these items, they say the numbers aloud in the skip counting sequence.
  • Chain Links – Give your child strips of paper or cutouts and ask them to write numbers in a sequence, skipping by a certain count. Then they can link these strips together to create a chain. They’ll enjoy seeing their skip counting chain grow longer with each added link.
  • Bingo – Create bingo cards with numbers in a skip counting sequence (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8… or 5, 10, 15, 20…). Call out numbers randomly, and the kids cover the corresponding number on their bingo card. The first to get a row covered wins!
  • Skip count together – Take turns skip counting with your child, alternating each sequence


Skip Counting Songs: 

Skip Counting by 2s 

Count by 2s Song

Skip Counting by 5s

Skip Counting by 10s 

Count by Even and Odds


Extension Activities: 

  • Skip count backwards starting from 100 by 2s, 5s or 10s
  • Skip count beyond 100!

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