Music Classes this Fall

Hello Armstrong Elementary Community!

Music classes are resuming this fall! Yay!

Things will look a little different in the music room however.

We will be seated in chairs for quite a bit of the music classes and be as physically distanced as possible.

Each student, except for Kindergarten students, will need to bring a music duotang and a pencil to each music class.

We will be doing some playing of instruments and body percussion this year. We will be doing a lot of music appreciation lessons this year – more so than usual.

With a postive attitude and working together we can make music as fun as ever. Let’s keep everyone safe in this shared space and create music in whatever way we can this year!

*Studies have shown that music improves mood and overall emotional health. During these stressful times, it is important that children participate in activities that lessen their stress and improve their psychological health. Music class is important and can be conducted safely during this pandemic.

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