Concert Schedule, Rehearsals and Costumes

Performance Schedule

Divisions 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 19 will be performing on Tuesday, December 12th at 1:30pm and 6:30pm in our school gym.

Divisions 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18 and 20 will be performing on Wednesday, December 13th at 1:30pm and 6:30pm.

The Grade 7 band will also perform on Wednesday December 13th only.


Here is a playlist of videos so that classes can practice their dances:


We are going back to the Disco era for this one! – The late 1970s

Disco wear

Woman's disco wear

More disco images

The aesthetic we are going for is bell bottomed pants, glitter and sparkle. Headbands that go across the forehead were big too. This show has many different characters, but overall we want the kids to dress in a 1970s vibe.

Please help your children get ready for the Winter Concert by going through your closets to find clothes for their costumes or buying one or two items for their costumes. Shopping at local thrift stores can be inexpensive and get the vintage fashion vibe we are going for. Below is the list of costume items they will need.

Divisions 1-4 will be dressed as people who work on a T.V. show – so casual clothes, but with accessories that backstage crew members would have – headphones, clipboards, lanyards, etc.

Divisions 5-7 will be dressed in rags or as monsters like Krampus. Some of them will be the “Yule Lads” from the tales of Gryla. The Yule Lads are as follows:

Sheep-Clot Clod: He steals sheep

Gully Gawk: He steals cow’s milk

Stubby: He’s short and steals food from frying pans

Spoon Licker: He licks spoons

Pot Scraper, aka Pot Licker: He steals unwashed pots and licks them clean

Bowl Licker: He steals bowls of food from under the bed (back in the old days, Icelanders used to sometimes store bowls of food there—convenient for midnight snacking?)

Door Slammer: He stomps around and slams doors, keeping everyone awake

Skyr Gobbler: He eats up all the Icelandic yogurt (skyr)

Sausage Swiper: He loves stolen sausages

Window Peeper: He likes to creep outside windows and sometimes steal the stuff he sees inside

Door Sniffer: He has a huge nose and an insatiable appetite for stolen baked goods

Meat Hook: He snatches up any meat left out, especially smoked lamb

Candle Beggar: He steals candles, which used to be sought-after items in Iceland

Divisions 8-9

Nature creatures – trees, flowers, wild (tame) animals

Divisions 10-13

Snowmen – white tops and bottoms, brown sleeves, a carrot nose, a scarf and a hat

Divisions 14-15

Italian children who live in a small town – kerchiefs, shawls, peasant clothes from a long time ago

Divisions 16-18

Santa’s Elves

Divisions 19-20

The kids in Divisions 19 and 20 will be dancing to Y.M.C.A. They are to look like members of a gym in the 1970s, so gym clothes, but with 1970s colours and vibes – mustard yellow, oranges, headbands, etc.

Here is an article that explains more about late 70s fashion:

Late 1970s Fashion Guide

Here are some costumes ideas for the classes and characters:

costume document – One Drive

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