Drama and Music!

This school year I began with drama activities. Drama is a great way to get for classes to bond and for me to get to know the students. We have a lot of fun with drama activities – we get active and we get creative! The kids are learning to think on their feet, react quickly, focus their attention, listen to each other and try new things.

After those fun games and activities the classes were tasked with finding a social problem here at Armstrong that we can tackle through role-play. The classes are creating scripts and skits to solve these problems and teach other classes to solve these problems we are having in the classrooms, hallways and outside at recess with our school-mates and friends. Then the class will create a video. I will put those videos together and the school will view the video so the classes can teach each other better strategies of communication and respect. The kids are having fun acting out the scenarios and finding ways of solving common problems they face daily.

After that music activities will begin!

The oldest children will learn the guitar right away this school year so we can use the guitar in later year activities and composition projects.

The grade ones to the grade 5/6 class will work on songs for the CBC Music Class Challenge! Here is a link to that page so you can read more about this annual challenge!

The Kindergartens are still acclimatizing to school and music room routines, and will continue to do so this Fall.

Here is a video about why we are wearing masks in school, and especially in music class. Hopefully it will answer some questions about why I am asking the kids to wear their masks and wear them properly during music class: COVID-19 & Mask Myths DEBUNKED

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