May 25 – 29

Hello Armstrongonians!

As you have heard, some of us are going back into the school building next week. Things will be looking different around the school if you are one of the students returning.

There will be no music classes.

I will be helping out in a few classrooms, but I will not be circulating among all of the children who return.

Therefore, you will be still accessing your music lessons here online. I will be posting stuff each week for you to continue to learn and practice. Classroom teachers will be giving my lessons in their classes if they so choose.

So, please continue to check here for your music lessons and submit stuff to me via email at

I will be able to attend more Team and Zoom meetings as well, as I will be in the Armstrong building. If you need help with your lessons, I will be more available to help you as well. Just let me know via email or on your Teams music page.

Continue to take care of yourselves!

Ms. Karlson

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