Music At Home

Hello students and families and guardians of Armstrong children.

These are unprecedented times, and at home learning is going to take place for the next little while.

Let me assure you that I am thinking of your little ones (and big ones!) and the kinds of activities you can do at home as a family, to de-stress, and to have fun in the performing art world.

No doubt some of you have already been participating in the performing arts to while away the time – singing, dancing, playing games, playing instruments, creating visual art. I applaud you for finding the arts a good outlet for your creativity, time and stress. I am certainly doing a lot in my home too.

I will be posting some activities and videos that you can do with your family under the new tabs at the top of this homepage. Just click on your grade level and try the activities 2 or 3 times per week. Have fun with it!

And if you are doing alternate activities, that is just fabulous!

Feel free to send me your “homework” on your Teams classroom page under the music category, via email at or post a video to share with me and email me the url. It will be nice to see what you are doing in your homes.

You can also send me comments through this blog and just let me know what you have been up to. Stay safe, and have fun while you continue your school work (play) at home!

Ms. Karlson

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