Weekly Schedule

Hello Folks,

Here is our weekly plan. It can change periodically, but some things such as music, P.H.E (physical and health education aka Gym), and Library will remain the same.

Weekly Plan
The link will allow you to download the weekly plan!

THEME generally is a combination of Science or Socials.

We do tend to go outside everyday, whether that be the creek or community stewardship, so please be prepared everyday!

    • Mondays: spelling check
    • Fridays: spelling test
      • our classroom door will be closed at for the morning as the students go to music. This means that Dr. Yanko will be letting them through the music room
      • We also have library on Thursday; please bring your books by Wednesday so in case you forget you still have Thursday to bring it!

As a regular practice, please do show up on time to school. We tend to move our schedule around and if it is a beautiful day, we might start the day off with a walk and our student will have to wait in the office till we return.

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