South Slope Music

Burnaby SD41

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Mrs. Fierro has a YouTube Channel Coming Soon!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Mr. and Mrs. Fierro are busy working on postings for a YouTube Channel!  Stay tuned next week for some learning opportunities for Primary and Intermediate students.  I will also be posting a reflection sheet to help guide your learning during this time.

Have a safe weekend.  Keep singing!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro

A Spoonful of Sugar for Divisions 6,7,8,9, and 10

Dear Primary Students, Parents and Guardians at South Slope Elementary:

We must embrace our inner “Mary Poppins” at the moment and say that our “practically perfect” musical will need to be put on hold until further notice.  When we are all back in school, we will find another time to present our fabulous show!

On this blog, I will be posting some activities for you to enjoy while we are apart.  Check back here often!

I am thinking and missing you all terribly and I cannot wait to sing, “Welcome to Music” with you as soon as we are able!

In song, Mrs. Fierro

Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5… update regarding Mary Poppins

Dear Divisions 1,2, 3, 4, and 5:

I’m sure it will not come as a surprise to you that Mary Poppins will need to be postponed.  At this point in time, long term plans that have already been made, will need to be adjusted to accommodate the circumstances we find ourselves in for the moment.  We will put our “practically perfect” musical on hold, but only until we can come up with another time to present our wonderful, amazing, show.  For the Grade 7 students of this year, who have already put a great deal of work into Mary Poppins, we WILL find a way to honour you!

I will be posting some activities here in the Intermediate category of this blog to keep your musical juices flowing!

Stay tuned, stay safe, and wash your hands!

In song,

Mrs. Fierro

Welcome to Mrs. Fierro’s College of Musical Knowledge!

Dear South Slope Music Students, Parents, and Guardians:

Welcome to the newly created blog for South Slope Music!  I would like to thank Ms. Chow for helping make this happen, but more importantly, Ms. Fletcher for helping fill it up with wonderful amazing items!  My online learning during this time will involve seeking out more meaningful activities like Ms Fletcher has put in here!  Please check back here often!
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  I miss you all terribly! With this blog it is my hope that you can feel my heart reaching out to you, helping you remember some of the fun activities we’ve done in the past, and introducing you to some even more fun learning in the coming weeks.

In Song,

Mrs. Fierro

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