Happy Friday Everyone!

I hope you are keeping your brains busy with all the learning opportunities your classroom teachers are presenting to you!  In Mrs. Fierro’s College of Musical Knowledge, there are even more ways to make music while we are apart! I have sent an email to your teachers about this but here are the highlights:

  1. Check into the blog at least twice a week.  Look on this front page, AND the Primary and Intermediate tabs.
  2. Choose some of the activities to do.  No rush.
  3. Send me an email of you making music!  It can be a drawing, a video, a poem, a song!  I will provide feedback, and check you off in my mark book!
  4. There is also a reflection sheet that you may complete at the end of May.

Click here Music Reflection – Term 3 to access the reflection sheet.

I hope we can make music together really soon!  Until then, stay safe!

In song – Mrs. Fierro