Hello Friends!

I have 5 activities you can do at home to help you with your English language learning.  You can do these things on your own or with your mom or dad or sister or brother.  You can be the teacher to them!

Sit down with another person and tell them:

#1. Today is:_____day____, _____month___,__day number___, __year___.

For example: Today is Tuesday April 14th, 2020.

Tomorrow will be: _____day____, _____month___,__day number___, __year___.

For example: Tomorrow will be Wednesday April 15th , 2020.

Yesterday was:_____day____, _____month___,__day number___, __year___.

For example: Yesterday was Monday, April 13th, 2020.

#2. Look outside and see what the weather is.  Say:  Today it is ______________and ___________.

You can use these words:   sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy.

#3. Sing the alphabet song.  You can also write all the letters down and make your own alphabet poster! See if you can remember the sounds each letter makes.

#4. Take pieces of paper and tape if you have it, label (write the word) as many things in your house as you can.  For example: tv, table, bed, wall, window, fridge, lamp.  Teach all of these words to someone in your family!  See if you know these words in your family’s language too!

#5. Ask your mom or dad to tell you about the country they were born in (maybe you were born there  too). If you can use a phone or computer to look things up on the internet, find the flag of that country and draw it.  Draw some pictures of things that your mom or dad tell you about from their country.  See if you can learn the English words for things from your mom or dad’s country AND the words in your family’s language! Maybe you can write those words in English and your other language.

Love Ms. Simmons ❤️