
Let’s set you up for success! 👍👌💪🏼

Steps when getting yourself prepared to play in class:

1. Walk to the guitars, pick up your guitar, and walk to your spot.

2. Sit crisscross.

3. Sit up straight. Arm not leaning on leg.

4. Place the back of your guitar against your stomach.

5. Head of guitar facing up.

6. Thumb on the back of neck.

7. Base joints not touching the neck of guitar.

How to practice a chord:

1. Have the chord chart and song in front of you.

2. Figure out each string at a time. Example: E major:

Start with fingers that are placed down:

– String 5, Finger 3, Fret 2….check for clear tone, keep finger down add

– String 4, Finger 2, Fret 2….check for clear tone, keep two fingers down

– String 3, Finger 1, fret 1…..check for clear tone, keep three fingers down

– Add string 1, 5, and 6.

Go slow! We are working on muscle memory. ☺️ You got this!!! 😁

Reasons for not getting a clean sound:

1. Base joints touching finger board

2. Fingers touching strings.

3. Not pressing down hard enough.

4. Finger is on fret, instead of under the fret.

5. Arm is on leg.

6. Guitar isn’t against stomach.

7. Strumming too hard.

8. Guitar is out of tune.