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Science 9 Nov 27- Dec 1

This Week we have been looking at Atoms vs Ions
We got into the lab to look at what happens when copper(II)chloride reacts with aluminum metal.

We started to look at Ionic and Covalent bonds

How do Elements Combine to Form CompoundsPPT

How do Elements Combine to Form CompoundsStudentnotes

On Wednesday I introduced the “How to Booklet” which we will work on daily up until our Chemistry Unit test

How to guide

How Do We Name and Write Formulas Ppt

How Do We Name and Write Formulas for Compounds Notes

Thursday we looked at how to Name and write formulas for Binary Ionic Compounds

Tentative Test day for our Chemistry Unit 

                  THURSDAY DEC 7th or FRIDAY DEC 8th


Science 9 This week (Nov14-18)


Thursday we continued on Bohr Diagrams and Periodic Trends.  

Lab on Reactivity tomorrow, remember to design your data table for homework

Periodic Trends

Periodic Trends Continued Student Notes

Reactivity Trends in the Periodic Table Lab


We have started to look at Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends


Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends 


Atomic Theory and Periodic Trends student notes

Unit 1 Test – Reproduction


Our Reproduction Unit is now complete, Have a great weekend!

We will be starting Chemistry on MONDAY

Image result for chemistry funny quotes


Our Unit test for Reproduction will be Friday November 3rd

Review package coming……..

Unit 1 Review

Answer Key to Unit 1 Review

Unit 1 Review Answers

Fridays test will be all long answer questions.  I will be giving you 6 questions and I will choose 4 out of the 6 questions to be completed.  Answers must be in full sentences and include correct vocabulary.  

Science 9 Reproduction Unit Test

The Visual Dictionary for Unit 1 will also be collected.


Science 9 This week ( October 16-20)

Today (Thursday October 19th)

  We will be working on our Fertilization Stories

Notes and Project Instructions

Human Reproduction Notes and Fert Project

Video we watched about fertilization: 

They will be due FRIDAY OCTOBER 27th!

We have started our Human Reproduction project

Human Reproduction



Tests marks are completed online

We will start the second half of unit one tomorrow


Sexual+Reproduction Student Notes

Science 9 This Week

October 2-6th

We have been working on Asexual Reproduction, Specifically Binary Fission, Cell Cycle and Budding.

Our Test for 1.1/1.2 is going to be on Monday October 16th.

Remember you can access the online textbook via Connect School

You username is your email address and you created your password in class

Types of Asexual Reproduction

Types of Asexual ReproductionPt1

Types of Asexual Reproduction Part 2 ppt

Types of Asexual Reproduction Part 2

Mitosis Flipbook

Observing the Cell Cycle

phases of mitosis lab

Yeast Investigation

Cancer Web Assignment2017

Power of Doubling Bacteria

We have been working on Cell Reproduction

We will have a lab on thursday!

Cell Reproduction Notes

Cell Reproduction



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