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Biology 11 Feb 5-9

Monday– Planning Pill Bug lab.  Make sure the following are complete:

  1. Introduction
    1. Question, Hypothesis, Background         information
  2. Materials and Methods
    1. Materials list
    2. Procedure
    3. Safety
    4. Identify all variables
  3. Data Tables
    1. How will you collect your Data?

Tuesday– Conducting Experiment

Wednesday-Analysis of Experiment & Time to work on Lab Report     Poster

Lab Report will be due ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14th

Thursday: Review of “The Cell”

Cells slide outline 2017 Part 1

Cells slide outline 2017 Part 2

Cell structure and function

Friday: Continuation with “The Cell”


Science 9 January 8-12

Welcome back!!

Monday we looked at Ohms Law (for slides refer to last post before break)

Tuesday we will look at comparing series and parallel circuits.

Loads can be connected in series or in parallel in a circuit

Parallel and Series Circuit

We will try out some of our own

Wednesday we will look at sustainable energy generation

Sustainable Energy Use

Science 9 Energy

Quiz on Thursday covering what we have learned so far in electricity

Unit 3 summary

Electricity Review

Answer Key to Review :Answers to Unit 3 Review Questions

Friday will be a review class

Monday is our Electricity Unit Test

Science 9 Dec 18-22

After learning about static charges we used the Van de Graaff Machine to experience static electricity.

Thursday we will look at Ohms Law

Ohms Law slides

Ohms Law

Ohms Laws Practice Problems

Voltage and Current in a Resistor

We have now begun to look at circuit electricity

Current Electricity

Current Electricity Notes

Measuring Currents

Exploring Voltage

We will be looking at how charges behave

How Charges Behave Slides

How Charges Behave


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