This facilitator’s guide supports the successful implementation of authentic Indigenous knowledge, perspectives, and content in B.C.’s redesigned curriculum.

In the BCTF 2017 member survey, members asked for more resources on how to include authentic Indigenous knowledge, perspectives, and content in B.C.’s redesigned curriculum.  This request led to conversations with Indigenous learning leaders. It became evident that simply providing resources is not enough to generate significant or lasting change in schools. The goal was to provide a professional learning experience for educators to learn together through listening, talking, questioning, and processing.

Continuing Our Learning Journey: Indigenous Education in B.C.  gives participants the opportunity to explore the following questions:

• How can Indigenous knowledge and perspectives enhance learning for all?
• How can we use the First Peoples Principles of Learning as a framework for our practice to create an equitable education system for all learners, ensuring that the system is responsive to Indigenous learners?
• What can our classrooms/schools/districts look and sound like when they are grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning?
• What about resources to help respectfully integrate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into classrooms and schools?
• What continued learning do we each need to engage in?
