Community Learning Task #10 Making the World a Better Place

Learning Activity #10 – June 5th – June 12th —

How can we change the world and make it a better place?

Our words and our actions matter and can affect those around us. This week’s activity looks at the importance of using our words and our actions to influence positive change.  


  1. Read the book “Say Something” by Peter Reynolds


  1. Read the book “Skin Again” by Bell Hooks
  2. Discuss: With your family, take some time to discuss the following questions …

 Discussion questions for “Say Something” 

  • How can we use our “voice” to make the world a better place?
  • What does it mean to “stand up” for someone?
  • Think of a time you had to stand up for yourself. How did it feel?
  • Think of a time you had to stand up for someone else. How did it feel? How do you think it made your friend feel?
  • Is it always easy to stand up for what you believe in?

Discussion questions for “Skin Again” (taken from Reading 

  • How would you describe your skin?
  • What does skincolor tell us about a person? 
  • What other qualities are important about a person?
  • How do you share you who really are with others?
  • How do you learn/find out what other people are really like?
  1. Complete the “With my own two hands”  
  • Think of the things you can do to make your community a better place.
  • What small actions can you take to affect change?
  • How can you be a positive community member?
  • Write down your ideas. Use the empty hand prints to fill in kind words and phrases you can say to others.
  1. (OR) Complete the “What is something you can do to make the world a better place worksheet found here.
  2. Art activity:

Follow the YouTube directed drawing of two hands joining over a heart, the directed drawing instructions can be found below: 

  • Decide how you’d like to decorate the hands in your drawing 
  • Consider the coloursyou’ll use to colour the hands 
  • Consideradding positive words or statements into the hands 
  • Consider how you’ll colourthe heart between the hands 
  • Display your artwork in the window to share your learning with your community
  • (Optional) Take a walk of your neighbourhood. How many other houses do you see with artwork displayed?  

Extra (optional) 

Activities from Peter Reynolds: