Ann Ford

Just another Burnaby School District Blogs Sites site

January 22, 2021
by forda
1 Comment

Ryan’s Blog Post


Currently, we have a unit about robotics, and the robots have controllers, brains, wires, batteries, etc. Everybody’s robots are at different stages, and the robots are hard to make. Doing this project is very hard, yet exciting and fun. My robot is at where you build the claw which you are supposed to attach the claw onto it, since it’s a clawbot. Soon enough, this robot will become a clawbot which will pick up items, and move around. The part on top of the robot is the claw which is supposed to be connected to the robot. We are even reading a book currently which is about robots. But, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m actually talking about this robot I made, and everyone else made. The robot you see is nicknamed Mr. Bob. He is a robot which doesn’t work very well; although Mr. Bob still works, (kind of), and I still enjoy him. To be honest, this robot kind of looks like an anime robot. The battery’s need charging, and wires for it to move, and the robot brain also needs charging. After all that work, you will have a fully functioning robot that can: grab items, move, be controlled, smarter than you (maybe), and gears that move. Robots are very cool since they can’t talk, but can move. Don’t you think they’re cool too? 

January 5, 2021
by forda

Our Robotics Program

What is Robotics?

Robotics is a form of specialized engineering that deals with design, construction, operation and application of robots.

The world needs the students of today to become scientists, engineers and problem solving leaders of tomorrow. Science is increasingly presenting us with challenges in how we problem solve through the use of technology. 

In this unit, students learn to assemble a robot (Clawbot), a fully operational robot. Once assembled, students try coding the bot to perform simple tasks.

STEM: STEM combines Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education to form an engaging field of study. The VEX IQ platform provides a stimulating, hands on experience while learning. This is the program we are using so please have your child discuss with you how they are assembling these robots.

More to come!!

December 18, 2020
by forda

Wishing You all the Very Best!

Hello Families,

As we approach the end of this year, I would like to extend the warmest regards to you all. I have enjoyed the learning journey together with your child this term. They have really bonded with each other. I love seeing them come in with excitement in their faces . They have embraced the different units this term. I enjoy the lively discussions that usually take place when we open up the floor for topics.

I look forward to seeing them in the new year. We will be working on Robotics ( and coding), explore Ghana and the chocolate trade, work on a novel study, and explore the Fraser River Estuary through virtual field trips.

I hope you all have a healthy and restful break. Looking forward to working with your child in 2021. All the best,

Ann Ford

November 24, 2020
by forda

Interim Report Cards

Hello Parents/Guardians,

On November 26th, students from Division 14 wil be coming home with their report cards. Please take some time to go over the report, especially commending on work well done. Your child has made some goals a priority for the second term. Please read their reflections about Term 1 on their blogs.

If need be, make arrangements via email or student planner to meet me (Zoom) early in second term. I will be reaching out to you if there needs to be further discussions about how we can help your child succeed.

Hope you all have an amazing, relaxing, healthy Winter/Christmas Break. Take care, Ann Ford.


November 24, 2020
by forda

Electronics Hour

Hello Parents,

This Thursday, students in Division 14 are permitted to bring in their electronics. They can have 1 hour of time on their devices in the affternoon. Students know that they can bring in the devices only if parents are comfortable with it. They also know to accept the decision if parents do not want them to bring it in. The devices will be locked up until it’s time to use it. I will have laptops here that they can use if they want.



November 9, 2020
by forda

Remembrance Day November 11th


Students listened to a story,”The Eleventh Hour,” by Jacques Goldstyn. It is a story about two Canadian friends who volunteer to go to war against Germany in 1914. It is a story about life, death and especially the horrors and futility of war. This year, students will participate in a virtual observation of Remembrance Day on November 10th. Students used some unconventional tools to paint the art (dislayed on our classroom door). We discussed the symbolism of poppies /Remembrance Day and why we as Canadians remember this day.

November 3, 2020
by forda

Cultural Heritage Projects

Students are working on their powerpoints for their cultural heritage/influence projects. They should be uploading pictures onto their USBs as well as interviewing  parents/grandparents/family about their ancestry, food, language, traditions events that they celebrate.

Presentations of this project will begin last week in November.