- Hands-on activities allow children to use their senses while learning. They see, touch, and move real objects to complete tasks. This means that , shapes, colors, and more are brought to life! Children begin to understand the meaning behind what they are doing.
- Children will strengthen their fine motor development. They learn control, communication, concentration and dedication to finishing tasks and problem solving skills.
- Children get excited and engaged because they are having FUN!
- Hands-on toddler, preschool, and kindergarten activities help children to build a lifelong love of learning!
Hand print: Finger paint with your child on separate pieces of paper. Than create one to display with your handprint next to your child’s handprint. Talk about which hand is bigger? which hand is smaller? Use a sharpie to add some eyes, ears and tail. There you go, you created some great elephants.
For extra fun and learning , you can use different colours on each hand. After making the handprints to the side of the paper rub the two hands together and print in the middle. See what new colour you made? Ex. Red hand and yellow hand rubbed together makes orange.
Wave your hands: Sung to “Row, row, row Your Boat”
Wave, wave, wave your hands (sing slowly)
As slowly as can be.
Wave your hands, wave your hands,
Wave them now with me.
Wave, wave, wave your hands (sing fast)
As fast as can be.
Wave your hands, wave your hands,
Wave them now with me.
Substitute other words, such as rub, roll, flap, clap for wave.
Mitten mates: Put several pairs of mittens into a box and mix them up. Help your child put on one mitten. can she find its mate? Play the game again, starting with a different mitten.
Open, shut them, Open, shut them
Give a little clap, clap, clap!
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Put them in your lap, lap lap.
Creep them crawl them , creep them crawl them
Right up to your chin, chin chin.
Open up your little mouth,
But do not let them in!
Finger foods: Throughout the week, serve finger foods as snack. Your child is sure to enjoy such treats as dry cereal pieces, tiny crackers, fruit and veggie pieces, cheese cubes, or rolled ham .
Click on the blue links to sing the songs with me.
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