To all of you, a huge thank you for being a part of StrongStart this past school year. Thank you for your trust and partnership in teaching your children together. It has been a great pleasure connecting with all of you and building a community of support for each other. It brought me lots of encouragement to witness the resilience and patience many of you have shown throughout this time as we have all tried our best to navigate these extraordinary times.
My best wishes for all of you that are starting Kindergarten in the fall. What an exciting milestone. If you are staying at Edmonds school I’m looking forward to seeing you in September and support the children’s transition to Kindergarten. Our wonderful Kindergarten teachers can’t wait to meet and get to know all of you.
For updates on what StrongStart will look like in the fall please visit the Burnaby StrongStart website in late August.
Remember, you can come back to this BLOG anytime to reconnect and sing together!
Wishing you all a safe and wonderful summer. Enjoy the outdoors and create new memories with your loved ones.
Hope to see you in the fall. Take good care!
Ms. Maria
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