1. Maximize love,Manage stress |
Belonging is about having a secure relationship with or a connection with a particular group of people. When children feel a sense of belonging and sense of pride in their families, their peers, and their communities, they can be emotionally strong, self-assured, and able to deal with challenges and difficulties.
I have been wondering what are some ways in which we can foster our and our children’s sense of connection and belonging during covid-19 pandemic? How to self-isolate without cutting ourselves off from community? |
2. Talk, sing and point |
During self-isolation we get to spend a lot more time with our family. We can use this time to strengthen our bond and secure attachment with each other by playing and doing things together.
I remember how much fun we had at Strongstart while singing nursery rhymes and bouncy lap songs…. Come join me for our all favorite Acka-backa and more.
While not the same as connecting in person, digital connection is better than no connection. So please come and join us for our 2nd Live Circle Time on Wednesday at 10am.(see invite in your e-mail on Monday, if you have not received it please e-mail me and I’ll send it to you) It was wonderful to see the children’s smiling faces and the enthusiasm to show themselves and their creations last week. Can’t wait to see you again this week.
My hope is that everyone feels that they belong and is part of the Edmonds Strongstart Family. Let’s celebrate it with these songs: |
3. Read and discuss stories |
Here you can listen to “Somebody loves you , Mr. Hatch” by Eileen Spinellia story about the importance of being loved and feeling a sense of belonging. Please overlook the valentine theme. It is such a good reminder about what a big difference a simple not can make in someone’s life.
Communities all around the world are using creativity to adapt community initiatives to a touch-free world. Belonging to communities for children.
Here are some projects, families shut indoors came up with to remind themselves that, just outside our doors, there is a whole community of people in the same situation. I’ll invite you to join in one or all the projects below:
Painted Rocks: The Kindness-Spreading Treasure Hunt for Kids and Families
Listen to teacher Maria reading the story of the Rock monsteres by Marshall Amanda
4. Explore through movement and play |
Window Projects to spread kindness during the shut down through artTo participate in the High-Five project, all you have to do is trace your hand, decorate it however you like, then place it in your window. It will then become like a high-five or a wave and bring a smile to the faces of those who pass by your home.
Sidewalk Chalk project: Goal is to spread kindness with sidewalk art. It’s as simple and powerful as that.
Have you seen any of these projects in your community? If you haven’t seen any, be the one starting one in your hood. As community members/children go down the road will go beyond just them being on a walk, to them being part of a community. To show support, solidarity and community during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic to the Edmonds Strongstart Community I ask you to e-mail me photos of your artwork so I can share it on our blog with all our friends. See the first communal picture children created during the Live Zoom Circle time. |
5. Count, group and compare |
How many rocks have you seen when out on your walk in your neighbourhood?
What shapes were they? What coloure?
How big or long is your sidewalk chalk art? What shape is it? How many parts does it have? What patterns have you used?
Let’s count and dance with Community Count
Spread some Kindness by sharing your message or artwork with us.
Enjoy your time together and please let me know what brought joy to your hearts this week.
Also reach out if you need support, have any questions or suggestions or you’re not receiving my e-mail invitations for Live Circle Times at maria.kerekes@burnabyschool.ca
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