Roles and Responsibilities (At Home and at School)

Over the past few months we have been talking about our roles and responsibilities at school and at home. Last week we spent some time to review and reflect on what we have learned so far. This is an ongoing topic we will continue to discuss all year.

What is your role at school?

  • a student – Raymee
  • a kid – Patil

What are your responsibilities at school?

  • taking care of my stuff – Raymee
  • doing my work – Patil
  • being a learner – Christian, Mia
  • taking care of Ms. Di Salvo’s toys – Rayan
  • cleaning up toys that I play with – Chiara, Emma, Theo, Sara Mae
  • listen to the teacher – Jayda
  • cleaning up the lego – Noelle, Gavin, Benjamin

What is your role at home?

  • a sister – Chiara
  • a brother – Benjamin

What are your responsibilities at home?

  • Helping my family – Raymee
  • Taking care of my brother – Patil
  • Taking care of my toys – Christian, Theo
  • Keeping the dinner table clean – Mia
  • Brushing my teeth – Rayan
  • Getting myself dressed – Jayda
  • Helping mom – Emma
  • Cleaning up my toys – Chiara
  • Keeping my room clean – Sara Mae
  • Getting myself dressed and ready for the day – Noelle, Benjamin
  • Cleaning up my toys – Gavin

Here is what they created:

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