Our Class Schedule

Hello families,

I wanted to take a moment to remind you all of our schedule:

Gym: Wednesday Afternoon

Library: Wednesday afternoon (please send your child’s book back to school on this day so they can take out a new one)

Music: Tuesday/Thursday

School Schedule

The bell will ring at 8:50am to indicate the start of the day. Please have your child line up outside the Kindergarten classroom windows by the North Entrance. Students should arrive as close as possible to this time as we are unable to provide supervision before school begins.

We eat our snack at 10:05am and our recess break is at 10:30 a.m. In Kindergarten we start eating our lunch at 11:45 am. Students go outside to play at 12:15 p.m. and return to class at 12:45 p.m. Dismissal is at 2:47 p.m.

Late for School and Early Pick Up

It is really important that parents ensure their children arrive to school on time each day. Lessons begin at 8:50 a.m and those who arrive late not only miss valuable instructional time, but also disturb the learning of their classmates by entering their classrooms after everyone is settled. Any student who arrives late, need to go to the main entrance at the front of the building (Holdom side) and walk to the office to sign in. If you are picking up your child(ren) before dismissal time, please come to the main entrance and go to the office to sign your child(ren) out.

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