Intro To Classroom Blog

Hello Families!

Welcome to our Kindergarten class blog/website! In addition to the yellow communication folders, I have now created this blog to keep you updated on things happening in our school and classroom. Instead of sending home paper reminders of upcoming events, I want to be more environmentally friendly by using this blog as a way to communicate important information to you. Letters and forms from the PAC, school and community will still be coming home in the yellow folders but all other classroom news I will try to post on my blog. Please take a moment to subscribe so you don’t miss any important information!

I will be sending home a notice with instructions to access PASSWORD PROTECTED posts. Please look in your child’s yellow communication folder for these instructions. Password Protected posts may have pictures of students in them. Please do not share this password.
**You are welcome to save photos that your child is in, but please remember: if there is another child in the photo you may NOT post that picture on social media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your own personal blog, etc.)**

Some posts will also include students engaged in classroom activities and samples of their work. These posts will complement the Kindergarten curriculum and will work as evidence of their learning.

Tips on Commenting and Supporting the Learning Process

I invite you to be partners in your child’s learning process throughout the year by commenting on the posts. I share family comments with the students.

Under any of the posts, there will be a COMMENT link > click to open a box. (You can record in any language.)
Some suggestions for your comments are to:

  • Notice thoughts, capacities and growth.
  • Connect with your child’s opinions, stories or ideas
  • Share your intellectual curiosity; wonder aloud
  • Encourage
  • Co-conspire… “You are interested in spiders? Me too, here’s an interesting website I’m reading about spiders.”
  • I noticed you…
  • A few things you did well here are…
  • One thing I’m seeing about your work is…

I hope you enjoy future posts we include on our website!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Many thanks,

Christina Di Salvo

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