Unit Wrapping Up, Project Deadlines!

Project Work & Deadlines:

  • โ€‹Unit:  We are finishing our migration unit. A unit quiz is on Monday. All unit work needs to be turned in next week for those who have missing assignments. Our next unit will be posted on the blog, and we are starting with the excitement of a field trip this Friday!
  • Math: We are working on building a tiny house model! Rough drafts are done by end of day today, and I will hand out final materials to build on Monday. If anyone is not done with their rough draft, make sure it is all done for Monday so you can get started. Final house due Friday March 2nd. We have a short math quiz on Friday, with review happening about multiplication, area, etc. during the week.
  • Science: By end of day today, research on a migratory animal is complete. You have started storyboards on long paper to make a Puppet Pals presentation about the animal. Finish the storyboard for Monday so you can start with the tech part!
  • History Character Presentation: Students have completed their character speeches. Print a copy for me AND ALSO Please turn them in to me using this link. By Monday, speeches are memorized. Gather props and costumes at home and presentations will happen late next week on Thursday/Friday.
  • French: Today we had time to review vocabulary for creating a short dialogue between a person and a customs officer. This will be written and presented (not memorized) over the next week.
  • Debates:โ€‹ If you haven’t debated yet, you will soon as we are finishing up our round one debates! If you have debated, make sure you filled out a debate rubric for your performance AND turned in your evidence for Ms. D to see. Print a copy of your speech for me AND ALSO All debate speeches can be submitted via this link.
  • Book Fair Next Week: Don’t forget to fill out a ballot for the book fair! It makes us eligible for the draw for $50 worth of books! 

Happy Holidays!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you very much to everyone who has wished me happy holidays and/or brought gifts! Thank you for your thoughtful well wishes and kindness. I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season!

Here are some last notes before we leave for the holiday break, so you know what is coming up when we return:

  • Report cards for term one are going home today. Please do hang on to the envelope, sign it, and return it when we get back from the holiday on Monday, January 8th.
  • Debates will happen in the week following our return on the two topics around technology use (video games and general digital technology). Please continue to research these issues, finding articles on both the positive and negative side of the debate! Make a note of where you are finding information, so you can find it later. When we return, I will ask you to document your research on debate cards, form debate teams, have you sign up for a specific topic, and talk about debate format and speeches.
  • Machine with the most impact! Everyone was to be thinking about what machine has had the greatest impact (positive or negative) on humans and the world. You will be asked to create a 10 slide PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation to talk about the machine, its history, and to prove your case that the item had the most impact. If you do begin your research, please document any websites you use, so you can find them for your formal bibliography when we return.
  • Rube Goldberg! You did a great job building a Rube Goldberg machine in class. I asked everyone to make a final drawing of their machine and to do the engineering design process reflection on how you would improve your machine in the future. If you were absent, please consider building one at home and then documenting the process independently. Or, if you are bored during the break, feel free to build one just for fun!
  • City of Ember! Everyone was finishing up this book in class yesterday. If you haven’t finished, there are a few copies still in the room for your use. If you have one of my books at home, please return it to the classroom. Questions through Chapter 19 should be done, and we will discuss upon our return.
  • Upcoming Unit: Our next unit will be all about migration and the reasons people and animals move. We will begin it shortly after we return and finish up final projects. More info in January!

Happy Holidays to everyone and have a great break!

Ms. D

Working away on machines and technology! Update Nov. 23rd

Hello Everyone!

Machines and Technology!

We had a great week talking about technology! We have discussed the different simple machines, identified them in some common kitchen tools, and watched the Disney Imagineers video on Levers and Pulleys, which allowed us to see how simple machines are used when thinking about engineering challenges!

From a Social Studies perspective, we have been talking about how technology impacts us, how the use of technology is connected to so many aspects of our lives, and whether technology changes have been positive or negative in our lives. We watched an older animation called Paul Bunyan to talk about how technology improvements have a large impact, and how animation, perceptions of technology, and ways of doing things have changed over time. We will continue to read short books together to add to our discussion. Coming up next, each student will choose an area of technology and talk about how it has changed over time by constructing a timeline. We will also be doing research on the pros and cons of technology, such as video games, so we can have classroom debates!

From a Science perspective, we had fun putting Ms. D on a giant wooden lever in the classroom last week, which started our conversation about levers. By changing distance of the load to the fulcrum, we change the amount of effort needed to do the same kind of work. We looked at examples of first, second, and third class levers together. Then, on Wednesday, everyone was given a catapult construction challenge! Students worked in partners to construct a catapult and then launch marshmallows across the room. I challenged everyone to use the engineering design process during construction. The last step of this process is reflecting on what went well and what you would do differently next time. Perhaps next week we can create better catapults! Next week we will continue with experiments to learn about the power of simple machines, which will lead into creating a Rube Goldberg contraption!

Language Arts — Greek and Latin & TED Talks!

Everyone finished their TED talks using a five paragraph essay format, and today we began presenting them to the class. Thank you to the brave risk-takers who went first! While we presented, we learned how to give positive feedback and practiced the art of constructive criticism, and we practiced being excellent audience members. The talks are quite interesting and persuasive!

We have also been working on Green and Latin beginnings and endings. In our journals, we are creating made-up words to describe a new monster, an invented phobia, a magical spell, and more. As we become more familiar with the beginnings and endings, we are also starting to recognize them when we encounter new words and need to understand their meanings.


On Monday, we will have a quiz for our first unit. The quiz will have different levels of math, and you are welcome to try all of them. I will indicate for you which parts apply to your grade level of math understanding so you can make sure to show your knowledge. Please review these things from unit one. We went over the complete list in class and you wrote it in your binder. Hopefully you took the binder home to review as I asked you to for the weekend!:

  • Basic fractions and knowing the difference between the numerator and denominator,
  • Knowing place values of decimals (tenths, hundredths, thousandths)
  • Adding and subtracting decimals without a calculator
  • Multiplying simple decimals or more complicated decimals without a calculator
  • Making a decimal from a fraction; fraction from a decimal
  • Probability fractions and words
  • Graphs and data collection
  • Median, Mode, Mean
  • Higher Level: Finding percentages from a decimal, Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, changing a mixed number into an improper fraction and vice versa, simplifying fractions

We will close the surveys Friday and finish that project next week. Please bring a stuffie on Monday to begin our next math unit. If you were missing any math assignments, please get them in as soon as possible. Ms. D went over what you were missing today in class.


Thank you to everyone for making lovely mandala rocks with our special tools and acrylic paint! If you want to make more, please find additional rocks and I can make the tools available to you during a free choice time. Our next activity involves SUMI art with Chinese ink! Plus, we will continue our great discussions about creative thinking, not only in art, but in engineering design and technology, as well.


Some of you still need to complete French-Games.net quizzes, and due to time, I am allowing you to do them at home. Please report to me your scores afterwards. On Tuesday, we will begin doing quizzes on French. You need to be able to say your ABCs, say your numbers 1-20, and recall human body words in French. 

French Immersion students will be asked next week to come up with a writing topic about either a French holiday tradition or something about French culture. You will write five paragraphs about this topic and present to one another in our smaller French Club of past Immersion students in our class. Thank you for doing the writing summaries from the French magazines and texts I provided the last two weeks! I will look for those in your journal.

Holiday Fun!

On our last day of school before the break, we will have pajamas all day and a pancake breakfast! Yum!

We have a student committee planning a holiday activity/party for the last day, too! And, everyone voted to have a Secret Santa and White Elephant activity, so more details coming on how this is done.

During December, we will be doing the Hour of Code, several tech experiments, and some maker activities to decorate our class tree or to give as gifts to others for this festive season. I look forward to all of the festive fun!!

Have a great weekend!


Ms. D

Superhero Nutrition! Help us build a system to produce an awesome hero!

Hello Everyone!

Looking at our Universal Systems Model, what would we have to list as the INPUTS into a system designed to produce as its OUTPUT the BEST SUPERHERO EVER?

We have identified the some of the key INPUTS we need for an OUTPUT of good health, such as sleep, hygiene, diet/nutrition, exercise, air quality, and mindfulness. But, what do these things specifically do for the human body? Today we are doing a group think and trying to figure out what do these things do! You can respond to this blog entry with your ideas from the brainstorm we did on the board. Everyone needs to provide at least one!

Here are some websites to consider as you do this. Some websites are easier to read than others, so always ask yourself — is this website the best for me? Do I really understand what I am reading? Could I ask questions about the part I don’t understand? (Am I just copying something down, or do I really understand what I am reading????)

Kids Health Nutrition and Fitness Center

Kids Health Staying Healthy

Kids Health Teens Nutrition

Kids Health Vitamins and Minerals

Kids Health Vitamin Chart

Kids Health Minerals Chart

HealthLink BC Healthy Eating

HealthLink BC Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

BC Healthy Families BC Website

Canada’s Food Guide

Web MD Vitamins and Minerals Kids Need (be careful to only read article and not click on ads as there are some throughout the article)

Harvard Health Listing of Vitamins and Minerals

Harvard Help Guide.org on Vitamins and Minerals (bit more advanced)

Girls Health US Government Site

Dole Children’s Health Articles



Hi Everyone!

When you get a moment, check out these links to learn about health topics AND to think about how you want to write and to make your own two-minute TED TALK!

Ted Talks By Kids For Kids

Ted Ed Videos on Health Lessons

Ted Talks to Watch With Kids

Be thinking of:

  • What makes a good TED Talk?
  • What will your key problem, question, or topic sentence be to start your talk?
  • What evidence will you use to prove your point?
  • Is your topic too big for two minutes? Too small?
  • Are you passionate about your topic?
  • Could you talk about anything you like to do?
  • Could you show us anything from home that is important to you?
  • Will you need to do any research to find out about your topic?
  • Have you thought about what other people who might disagree with you will think? How will you change their minds?

Next step? Start thinking of an outline. More on this tomorrow!

Happy Wednesday, Parent Conferences, Human Body!

Hello Everyone!

Here is a brief update of what is going on in our class!

Parent Conferences:

Thank you to everyone who is coming to speak with me today! Our meeting will be short, but we will talk about student goals, math levels, and any information you would like to share with me. See you then!

Our Unit!:

Students have been working away learning about the different systems. Soon I will be asking them to specialize on a system so they can do some more in-depth research, so stay tuned! We had fun this week doing the lung capacity experiment using a milk jug, water, plastic tubing, and straws. Congrats to our top five lung capacity people — Vaughn, Dennis, Jim, Patricia, and Sherman! Did you know the general lung capacity for girls is 2,400 mL, and for boys it is 2,500 mL?

Students have been using Kids Health online, as it has a variety of kid-friendly articles and videos on a variety of health topics. There is also a section there for parents, so check it out! Thank you to everyone who brought in their ear buds or headphones so they can listen to videos without disturbing anyone. We will be using videos for information a lot this year, so if you don’t have ear buds, please look for some!

We hope to have a group of community health nurses and some doctors come to visit us in the near future. If you know of anyone who works in the health field who would like to speak with us, please let Ms. D know!


Our regular library time will be on Wednesday from 10:45-11:05. Please remember to mark calendars to bring back books on Wednesday mornings. All books have to be returned or renewed to be able to check out new books. Students are also receiving a notice about mature reads in the library. To receive permission to check out some books that are above the grade reading level, students need to have this form filled out and signed by their parents. Please look for the form coming home. Even if parents do not want their children reading higher level books with mature themes, the form still needs to be returned so Ms. Ho, our librarian, knows who can and cannot check out the books. Thank you!


We will be doing two things in art over the term — one is working with the elements and principles of art, and the second is trying art with new materials. We will also do art in connection with our unit related to mindfulness and stress reduction. Yesterday, we created a 12-square grid of art related to lines and multi-media! They are hanging in our classroom and looking beautiful! Pictures to come soon, and I will add them to this post.


As part of Crunching Data, we are working on understanding fractions, and we have done some probability work with fractions. Students are finishing their class data survey graphs, which are hanging in the classroom. Today we are playing the game of SKUNK to discuss probability. We will continue to do lessons and exercises related to expanding our knowledge of how to crunch, organize, and display our data!


Thank you everyone for finishing your letters to Cap Hill! They will be getting our letters soon, and we hope we will have time for a response before our field trip together on Sept. 28th.

Also, we will be continuing our work on Latin words, as we will be seeing a lot of health vocabulary with latin beginnings and endings! We started by looking at a giant list of Latin words and making up phobias according to Latin meanings, which was a lot of fun!


Please return all notices ASAP. This includes the Field Trip form (now overdue), the yellow student verification form, the pink Young People’s Concert form, and the blue planner form. I know it is a lot, and thank you so much for your help in getting all of these things in as we organize our year.

Have a great evening!

Ms. D


I hope everyone has had a good year! I know I have enjoyed watching you make rumblebots, create projects with new technology, play at Science World, build towers, imagine playgrounds, mix up glitter jars, avoid hail at the watershed, and work hard while dragon boating and kayaking. You are all an amazing group of people! I hope you all have a lovely summer!

To my grade fours, we will see you on a September 5th! I look forward to another year with you….new units, new field trips, new thinking, and exciting learning.

To my grade fives, I will miss you!! You are the first group of students I have had for two years in a row. It has been my pleasure teaching you, and I will miss all of you for understanding Ms. D’s quirky sense of humour. ๐Ÿ™‚ Make sure you drop in and say hello. Just because you are in grade six doesn’t mean you can ignore me! I know you will enjoy Mr. Gaitens, and I also hope to work with some of you again on Science Games, Float Your Boat, and new things that may come up next year. All the best to you!

Reports are handed out tomorrow. Please make sure you also take your beautiful masks home! Thank you for posting your poems or sending them to my Google account. Thank you for the laughs on those ads this afternoon. And congrats to everyone on their awards!

Have a good summer!

Ms. D

Battle of the Books — Congratulations!


Today we had our BATTLE OF THE BOOKS! Students had been reading a selection of 11 books over the last two months, and today was the battle between our six teams!

Ms. D asked a series of questions that begin with, “In what book….” followed by some specific details from one of the eleven books. Then, teams had to guess which book and hold up the correct book sign within five seconds. We have some amazing readers, so it was a tight race! Our teams were: Book Geniuses; Cool Kids; Potato/Potato/Potato; Blanks; Savage & Salty Potatoes; and The Infernos. Congratulations to Cool Kids for winning the top prize!

It seemed everyone had a good time doing this competition, and Ms. D was glad to see it provided great incentive to read a wider selection of books. Maybe we can do this again next year! As a reminder, here are the books we read: 

  • The Secret of Platform 13
  • Wings of Fire
  • Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
  • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
  • Troubletwisters
  • A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius
  • The Eight Keys
  • Island of the Blue Dolphins
  • 13 Treasures
  • Arthur, The Seeing Stone
  • Among the Hidden

Congratulations again to everyone for their participation! 

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