Just for Fun post-Peter

Hi everyone, Peter here. Here is a post on a 5 day challenge by Google against the world champion in a game called Go. Here’s a website on How to play go. The world champion’s name is Lee Sedol, and the name of the robot by Google is called Google Deepmind. Here’s the article, Google Deepmind vs Lee Sedol.


Just recently, Google Deepmind won the first match. Lee made a prediction that he will win 5-0( kind of a bad guess).

Just for Fun — OK Go Newest Video

Happy Saturday!

I found out the musical group that did that incredibly cool Rube Goldberg video (the one with paint, a piano, etc. and the four guys in colour) just put out another musical video. This one was filmed in zero gravity in a plane. The clean up must have been incredible.

Check out OK Go Upside Down and Inside Out

And, if that didn’t impress you, maybe this will. Lego aficionado Arthur Sacek makes incredible LEGO creations. Here is one that folds and flies a paper airplane. Check out Gizmodo’s This Lego Paper Airplane Factory Is Wonderfully Over-Complicated

Still not having fun? Okay, well, Happy Valentine’s Day from Simon’s Cat Tough Love

Have a good weekend!

Our Class’s Favourite Books!

Hey everyone!

Post here your favourite book and author from this last year! Or more than one! Please use proper capitalization and ensure you include the full title and author so we can find it if we are interested in the book!

Thank you!

Ms. D

Holiday Tree and Ornaments Ideas!

Hello again!

I am bringing in a tree for our classroom we can decorate. I have some lights and tinsel, but I will need everyone’s help with making ornaments. If you have ideas we can use for making ornaments together, then please post your link to those ideas here so I can check them out!

I look forward to your arts and crafty ideas! Have a good weekend!

Ms. D

Star Wars Afficionados — A Just for Fun Post

Hello to all the Star Wars fans in our MACC group! I found a website that shows you how to make snowflakes for Star Wars characters. Can any of you make them? It is found on Wired Magazine’s Star Wars Snowflakes.

There are so many strange and wonderful products out to celebrate the coming Star Wars film, but this is one of my favourites, for those who love waffles and Star Wars, too:  Death Star Waffle Maker

Or if you enjoy the science of Star Wars, check out this article about the Physics of How That BB8 Toy Works

Also, I told you about this cartoon in class, but just for fun, and because Ms. D loves both Star Wars and coffee, here it is:


Feel free to post any Star Wars sites, products, etc. you have found!

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